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Posts posted by westernairspray

  1. So to repair kernel32, you would recommend a reinstall of p3d? or kernel32 is a windows problem?


    The second part i believe was when we ran a repair on p3d and it got cancelled.


    And for the GPSOUT situation, We are currently trying to run a Serial Capture program to attempt to interpret what information it is sending out to rule out any issues there


    Thanks for the help so far, greatly appreciated

  2. ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.949 by Pete Dowson *********


    Prepar3D.exe version = 2.4.11570.0


    Reading options from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"


    Running inside Prepar3D v2 on Windows 7


    Module base=5B0E0000




    User Addr="adam@westernairspray.com"


    FSUIPC4 Key is provided


    WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired


          218 System time = 10/02/2016 09:58:43


          218 FLT path = "C:\Users\WESTERN AIR SPRAY\Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files\"


          218 ------ Module Version Check ------


          218        acontain.dll: 2.4.11570.0


          218             api.dll: 2.4.11570.0


          218        controls.dll: 2.4.11570.0


          218      fs-traffic.dll: 2.4.11570.0


          218             G3D.dll: 2.4.11570.0


          218            sim1.dll: 2.4.11570.0


          218        visualfx.dll: 2.4.11570.0


          218         weather.dll: 2.4.11570.0


          218          window.dll: 2.4.11570.0


          218 ----------------------------------


          218 Trying C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\Modules\SimConnectP3D2.dll


          250 Found it: trying to connect


          265 FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\"


          468 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------


          468 Product= FDS-FC1


          468    Manufacturer= TEKWorx Limited


          468    Vendor=1FD1, Product=03ED (Version 1.35)


          468    Serial Number= TEKWorx Limited


          468 -------------------------------------------------------------------


          515 LogOptions=80000000 0000001D


          515 -------------------------------------------------------------------


          515 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------


          515 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok


          515 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained


          515 --- FS Controls Table located ok


          515 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok.


          515 --- Wind smoothing fix is installed


          515 --- All links checked okay


          515 -------------------------------------------------------------------


          515 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay


          515 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D


         2574 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v2", Version: 2.4.11570.0 (SimConnect:


         2574 Initialising SimConnect data requests now


         2574 FSUIPC Menu entry added


         2574 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y


         2574 C:\Users\WESTERN AIR SPRAY\Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files\Obstacle Course AG.fxml


         2574 C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\SimObjects\Airplanes\Air Tractor Wheeled Ag\Air_Tractor.air


         2995 Memory in use: 833Mb, Avail=3263Mb


        17644 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N


        17956 System time = 10/02/2016 09:59:01, Simulator time = 14:12:49 (21:12Z)


        17987 Aircraft="AT-802A  01"


        19921 Starting everything now ...


        19921 Error 126 (The specified module could not be found. ) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\Modules\PFCFSX.DLL"


        19921 Error 126 (The specified module could not be found. ) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\Modules\EPICINFO5.DLL"


        19953 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N


        54772 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled


        56831 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y


        56831 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 39 secs = 26.0 fps


        62182 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N


        63227 Memory in use: 1649Mb, Avail=2447Mb


        65489 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y


        71823 C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\SimObjects\Airplanes\Ayres Turbo Thrush\Thrush.air

  3. This is the crash data I could find.





    Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\Prepar3D.exe



    Problem signature


    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH


    Application Name: Prepar3D.exe


    Application Version: 2.4.11570.0


    Application Timestamp: 542314d3


    Fault Module Name: kernel32.dll


    Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.19135


    Fault Module Timestamp: 56a1c79d


    Exception Code: c0000005


    Exception Offset: 0001137d


    OS Version: 6.1.7601.


    Locale ID: 4105


    Additional Information 1: 0a9e


    Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


    Additional Information 3: 0a9e


    Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789



    Log Name:      Application


    Source:        System Restore


    Date:          10/02/2016 9:55:52 AM


    Event ID:      8193


    Task Category: None


    Level:         Error


    Keywords:      Classic


    User:          N/A


    Computer:      WESTERNAIRSPRAY




    Failed to create restore point (Process = C:\Users\WESTERN AIR SPRAY\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp5_Prepar3D_v2_Professional_2.4.11570.0_Full.zip\Prepar3D_v2_Professional_2.4.11570.0_Full\Setup.exe AIR SPRAY\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp5_Prepar3D_v2_Professional_2.4.11570.0_Full.zip\Prepar3D_v2_Professional_2.4.11570.0_Full\Setup.exe" ; Description = Prepar3D v2 Professional Bundle; Error = 0x80070422).


    Event Xml:


    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">




        <Provider Name="System Restore" />


        <EventID Qualifiers="0">8193</EventID>








        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-02-10T16:55:52.000000000Z" />








        <Security />






        <Data>C:\Users\WESTERN AIR SPRAY\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp5_Prepar3D_v2_Professional_2.4.11570.0_Full.zip\Prepar3D_v2_Professional_2.4.11570.0_Full\Setup.exe AIR SPRAY\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp5_Prepar3D_v2_Professional_2.4.11570.0_Full.zip\Prepar3D_v2_Professional_2.4.11570.0_Full\Setup.exe" </Data>


        <Data>Prepar3D v2 Professional Bundle</Data>









  4. Hey Pete,


    Thanks for the answer, Prepar3d runs fine....until you make a change to anything, i can fly around all day long with the default start up aircraft in flight, and can check that the gps out is set up as the GPS manufacturer has told me to and as long as i hit cancel, everythings fine, but if i change anything and hit ok, is when it crashes. Like i said, I'm new to this, and not sure how to pull up logs, crash data and so on. 

  5. Hey guys,

    New to this, but here goes.

    Am Running Prepar3d v2.4.11570.0 and FSUIPC v4.949, on a built dedicated simulator computer, running windows 7.

    Having issues with Prepar3d freezing up and force closing when making ANY changes (Scenarios, Locations, Aircraft, Any changes in FSUIPC)

    Also, we need to output a useable GPS to an external GPS, have been trying the GPSOUT option of FSUIPC, running out of a USB to Serial connector, with a 38400 baud rate @ 5hz (as specified by the external GPS manufacturer).

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

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