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Posts posted by rabbitcancer

  1. Pete,

    I'm sorry to hear about the hassle. I, for one - am a registered FSUIPC user and have been since you made the opportunity available.

    Apart from the API benefits, the product itself has greatly enriched my FS experience particularly where controller adjustment was needed.

    My thanks and grattitude for your contribution to our hobby.

    Kindest Regards,


  2. Good ideas, Paul - I'll take a look at that tonight. (I'm on Edinburgh time GMT+0)

    Quick answer is yes - I'm definitely using a try/catch block. (with a throw i think)

    I wouldn't have modified it from your original too much - although the app looks a lot different because my app doesn't have a form per se - just a tray icon with a righty-popup.

    Let me get back to you...


  3. Hi Paul,

    Just a follow-up.

    Not only did your code help - it unlocked the floodgates. I have completed my app as a tray application and it's running marvelously.

    On that note - I am also experiencing the same problem if FS is closed when the app is running (in debug mode) - could it be a 'throw' exception is needed?

    I've set my app up with the idea of being loaded before FS - in this manner, it polls for FSUIPC every five seconds with the .open method until FS is detected and once it is, it begins polling offsets with the .process method every 1/2 second. If the connection drops, I've written it to halt using the .process and resume 5-second monitoring with .open ...

    Sounds great -but what actually happens is that I must run the app while FS is open or it doesn't detect - also, if I close FS while the app is open, i also get an exception error...I shall try and post the trouble spot later today if needed. Based on what I've read above and experienced myself - I believe the issue resides in the exception handling for the .process method as it is the first to get hit by a dropped connection and because my program does not report an error if fs is not loaded when it boots - only when FS closes which means that the .process method is catching (or throwing rather) the exception as the .open is not being used at that stage. Any thoughts?

    Your experience and assistance is greatly appreciated.



  4. Paul - Thanks so much. I haven't gotten back to the PC, but everything you've written seems so logical.

    As I'm new to .net, I was unaware of that function shortcut, so you've probably saved me tons of agony there - Thanks again.

    If it makes you proud of me - I did eventually figure out how to retrieve the value with a short (i realized this as I was grabbing the value for Com1 as well and it occurred that I was 'running too far' from the offset) - but the next step would have had me befuddled for ages.

    ...and the concat line at the end is very helpful.

    What a great New Years Day present - Cheers!!!!

    Best regards,


  5. I'm writing a program using the .net package you provided to extract the com2 active frequency. I am somewhat of a programming amateur, so please forgive me...

    From what i've read, the frequency drops the leading '1' and stores only the xx.xx portion in Binary Coded Decimal format - ok, I've read up on that and understand how it works, but how the heck do i

    a) pull it from fsuipc (type integer?)

    b) convert it to xx.xx format for display in a text field?

    any help you can spare would be great - i realise that this is probably a really stupid question.



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