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  1. Good Evening !! Mr. Pete Dowson, I updated the version successfuly but in the moment of Lod Displa show up, I marked the option "check existing registration" instead of pressing "not now". I have a file with both keys (directory standard), but I tried to put them more than 2 times without success. What should I do and how to proceed to activate FSUIPC and WIDE Server ?? I appreciatte your help as soon as possible cause without it, i cannot run the scripts to fly. Looking forward your reply, Best regards, Alessandro Paixao
  2. Good Evening, Mr. Pete Downson, I was working previously with Fsuipc 4.858 and few hour ago I access your website and foung out that was a newer version for Fsuipc. Immediately, I started to dowload it and after re-installing. I have FSUIPC4.key file with all password info on the following directory ... C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules but When I tried to reinstall Fsuipc and WideServer nothing happened and the key was not valid. I'm working know with the last version but no registered as previous one. What should I do ? Do I need a new key for both ?? Do I need to reprogram everything again ? Looking forward your reply, Best regards, Alessandro Paixao (Brazilian Customer)
  3. Good Night !! Mr. Pete Dowson, I need some help about FSUIPC and WIDEFS... I actually have installed the Registered FSUIPC 4.858 working properly with no problems with FSX on my computer. I'd like to buy or move to FSX Steam Edition and I really do not know if I have to update my version and/or buy the latest FSUIPC version, 4.949. Does it work on both versions ? Do I need another Key ? Could you please help me ? Looking forward your reply, Best regards, Alessandro Paixao
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