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Posts posted by ypaul123

  1. Hi,

    I used FSUIPC7 (registered version) to calibrate my HOTAS WARTHOG.

    This is how the various axes are defined in the axes assignments (in this example, the Elevator axis):



    both the aileron and elevator axis are set up with the following slope:



    but for the life of me, any plane I have in MSFS will not fly straight even at a clean weather condition.
    It will always deviate to the left, even when leaning, and I'm not talking a 2-3 degree bank, I'm talking about a slow but steady left turn towards 30 degrees of bank.


    Can someone please help me with this ? I've been struggling with this for a very long time.


    Also,  how can I configure the warthog throttle off position to be the reverse thrust position of the throttle ?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. 2 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Do you mean in MSFS to the Load Previous/Next Custom Camera binding (with default keys K and shift+k)? Are these not working then? If they are working, you can assign your button to the key press used there.

    Otherwise try logging offset 0x0270 (also maybe 0x026F) and see if that changes when you cycle your views. If so, you can use that.


    Hello John,


    Thanks for responding.


    excuse my ignorance, but what does 'logging offset 0x0270' mean ?

  3. Hi,


    I have a register version of fsuipc7 for MSFS.

    I was wondering if you could help me assign a joystick button to cycle custom cockpit views (instead of me go shift +1 , shift + 2 etc.)

    I could have done so myself, but the keys bindings associated to the cycle next custom view / cycle previous custom view do not work.


    Thanks in advance for your help,



  4. Hi everyone,

    in X-Plane 12 I have a software called x-camera which allows me in a single button press (HOTAS Warthog joystick) to move from one camera view to another, and another button to switch between categories (cockpit, external, cabin etc.)

    Is this thing also possible using FSUIPC7, because I couldn't find such option in the default FS2020 key assigments.


    Thanks in advance for your reply,



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