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HI Peter

Having a problem with connection or recognition of Keypress.

Simulator and add-ons

FS9, SP1




(all purchase through official channels)

WideServer 6.75 (PC1, with FS9.1 / FSUIPC 3,75) and WideClient 6.75(PC2).

Both FSUIPC (feb 2005 and updated) and WideFS (nov 2007) bought on SimMarket.

FSUIPC running with no problems, with other applikations (ie. AS6, PMDG etc. those requiring FSUIPC, as far as I remember both AS6/PMDG need at regsitrated FSUIPC to use all applications, correct me if I am wrong).

Connection established between Client and Server (at least it said so in the top bar).

Implemented KeySend codes as described in WideFS userguide (advance User Guide), inclusive KeyPress assignment in FSUICP.

Nothing happens on the Client side (trying the "simplest" test) using the guidelines for PTT solution for TeamSpeak (there is a lot examples out there), so I am confidence I am doing the right thing. I know that You will punish me if I havn't done my homework. :D

Investigating User Guides and other threads about the same issue, still not resolving the problem.

In a threads I saw that the problem seems could be the keycode was incorrect(old, done by and old keycode generator etc.), is there any way I can do a check if my keycodes a valid?


Tested via PM File Checker:

FSUIPC/WideFS found!

FSUIPC No Version number Reported! Please Check FSUIPC Installation

WideServer Version .002

WideClient Version .002

FSUIPC no version

WideFS should be 6.75

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