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Saitek X52 - FSUIPC - Reverse Thrust --> HOW???

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i need help for assigning the reverse thrust on the throttle of the SAITEK X52. I found many different tutorials for that problem, but nothing help, to activate the reverse thrust :-(


I'm using the actual version of FSUIPC!



Many Greetings





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Hi Defcon,


Here is what you need to do.


First you will need to assign your Axis Correctly.


Go into FSUIPC interface - Assign Axis - and you will want to move your throttle to ensure it works.


Now select under Type of Action, Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration.  Then you will want to assign Throttle 1 and Throttle 2.

in two of the 4 choices you have.


Now go to Joystick Calibration.  (Tab to the right of Axis Assignment).


Go to page 3, there you will notice the movement of your throttle.


Now move your throttle full forward then full aft.  You should have a friction detent about 2/3rds from full forward back.

Move your throttle to be just forward of the friction point.


Do not move your throttle at all.  Simply click on the Idle tabs (twice for each throttle) 1 and 2.  Now move your throttle full aft.  Come forward about an half inch.  Click on the Reverse tabs twice for each throttle.


The idea is you want to have precisely the same values for both throttles in idle and in the reverse boxes.  If not, start over and do this until you do.


Try it out in your jet of choice.  You can vary the reverse points now that you are using those thottle settings


good luck.

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