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I am not a young member (72) and need some suggestions.

I volunteer at a local air museum (TAA Museum) in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

We are having a large model Convair cv-240 (about 7 feet long) with all moving surfaces, landing gear, stairs and lights.

I suggested rather than just use switches and sliders to actuate everything via servo's and relays that we use Arduino's.

I also suggested we use flight simulator 2004 as the front as there is a Convair available for it with TAA textures available.

In suggested FS2004 as it goes pretty well as far as frame rates.

The next problem is getting data from the flight simulator and then converting the data to drive the Arduinos to move surfaces and switch on lights.

I believe we can use FSUIPC as the interface into FS2004 and FSUIPC_SDK to interrogate FSUIPC to get the required data which will be converted to drive the Arduinos.

I hope this all makes sense to someone. 

I am happy to provide further information if required.

Any suggestions (and possible programs) would be appreciated.




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