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Everything posted by akme

  1. Good morning John. Where do I find the official list of offsets for fs2020. I am using Project Magenta - https://www.projectmagenta.com/all-fsuipc-offsets/
  2. Requesting Trial License Please.
  3. Thank you Peter; I will continue my development using FSUIPC in Prepard3D. So far Prepar3D is the best Flight Simulator. Especially with Orbx, Carendo addons. It may be that Dovetail Games is making the same mistake that Microsoft made with the "Microsoft Flight." Do not listen to the old Simmers. Sorry for the English, I'm using Google Translate. I live in sao paulo Brazil
  4. I bought the Dovetail Games Flight School in STEAM. And I really liked the interface. But it is very limited. It's really for beginners.
  5. It is possible to use FSUIPC with the new Dovetail Flight School ?
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