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  1. Please pictures!
  2. Hi Thank you for the answer! Now I know that can't fix it and the situation has to be accepted . regardas Felix
  3. Hi I did a test flight with a very simple plane ( ESSV-EKCH) with constant weather (no AS live as I usually use ), FSUIPC Autosave OFF. Running Self Loading Cargo but again in the descent phase SLC loses contact with simulator. Is that normal when simulator freezes for a few seconds, then communication disappears with other log programs? Does FSUIPC have any settings that should be changed? I put FSUIPC log file here. regards Felix FSUIPC5.log
  4. Hi Thank you for the answer! I'll remove from FSUIPC Autosave function and then make new flight. Which I should mark in FSUIPC logging options? Now I have selected Events (non axis control) and Extras (Miscellany). What is important data for a problem like this ? Maybe i also need change some settings in Fsuipc? regards Felix
  5. Hi i use Prepar 3D4.5.12.30293 and FSUIPC5, Version 5.152 registered (Windows 7 Ultimate 64 ). Because i have many many addon scenerys and addons tools (GSX2,Chaseplane, Active Sky, Mytraffic and so on..) my simulator on a flight from time to time "freeze" from a few seconds to 60 seconds, when loading Scenery, texture or weather. But that's not a big problem, the problem is that i can't use such additional programs which require in-flight logging/connect with simulator, as SLC (Self Loading Cargo), ACARS or some Cabin Crew sound program.AT this time, when simulator freezes this programs loses connection with simulator and it will not recover on this flight . SLC is not communicating directly with simulator, it talks to FSUIPC which runs within the simulator. Perhaps it is FSUIPC crashing? SLC does try to reconnect automatically, so if it cannot then it suggests that FSUIPC is either no longer running, or blocking the connection so SLC cannot get data any more. Could it be FSUIPC problem and how fix that? Otherwise I will use in FSUIPC only traffic limiter and autosave function, all others FSUIPC settings are default. Please help! regards! Felix FSUIPC5.log
  6. Thank you,Pete! I experimenting more . regards eke
  7. Hi Can someone put your Traffic Limitter settings ( I want to try ). I've experimented but can`t find a suitable configuration. Where else in the world is ok, then the problem is LA region ( I will be there all ORBX stuff , FsDreamTeam KLAX_V2 and otherwise in extremely high concentrations of airports). I also use MyTraffic. Example my settings: P3DV4 traffic options - 40% FSUIPC5.ini [Traffic Limiter] AirportPreference=50 PlannedAirportsPreference=50 GroundPreference=50 NearerPreference=50 TargetFrameRate=13 TrafficLimit=120 And with these settings throws P3D4 out to desktop when loading plane to KLAX but when you start from somewhere else and make a landing to KLAX, then i see in KLax only 2 (!) planes. This is a traffic problem, because when completely removed airplanes traffic in P3D4 options, then simulator loading ok to KLAX. Does anyone have experience? regards eke
  8. Hi Other features: an intelligent AI Traffic Limiting option, so that the slider can be higher for more variety but without excessive traffic affecting performance I'm interested how it works? I use MyTraffic and I have problems with the air traffic, as set traffic slider in P3D4 options example to 30-40% it`s a samall and medium-sized airports all ok with traffic but when moving to large airports then simulator crashing. Can I now use with FSUIPC5 traffic limiter, that in large airports I have a max limit planes? regards Eke
  9. One more .... If at some point there will be chaos in airport or you need some minutes relax, you could ask a virtual colleague take control (not pause) and you going to a coffee break. And you can watch how to colleague resolve situation.Of course, at this time (break time) you don`t get points. I think it would be nice
  10. Hi I have not previously been exposed to this ATC program (i use Flight SImulator) and ask for purchasing - is it better purchase via Steam (cheaper) or usual download file from developer site? When a flight simulator is often necessary to modify files and there is a need to open the simulator's internal files, how is this program Tower3D (if only the start game and all what i need)? Because when i purchase with Steam i can`t later modify (only can purchase addons )? regards Eke
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