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Status Replies posted by Sabrefly

  1. If you have odd problems with USB in Win10 please let me know, in my case there were around 17 USB devices connected to the Server. It took me a few days to find the solution on the internet.


    PS: When you get your Win10 copy I'd still recommend you to install from scratch with this video. Win10's user tracking can get nasty if you don't strangle it right off the bat. I also very much depend on Acronis images, which makes my MSFS/P3D building and research much easier.


    1. Sabrefly


      After you install the OS and check your hardware connects and works OK please let me know and I'll send you a few important tweaks for P3D I gleaned from Steve and Rob on avsim. We have similar CPU/CHIPSET/MOBO/RAM and VIDEO in general I've spent a lot of time on tweaking and I'm very happy with my current hardware performance. Perhaps happy first time in 15 years of MSFS.

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