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Posts posted by Oskar2015

  1. Hi Pete,

    now I have the same problem. This  item was discussed already in 2009 see your comments below . Is there since  then a other solution avialable may be done by Mindstar developer as given  from your side below?

    Regards Holger 


    Pete Dowson     112

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      RichardL said: 

    Can you share any information on the FSX crashing issue when the MindStar G1000 and FSUIPC are both running?

    After some intensive investigations, it looks to be certain that this is due to a SimConnect bug.

    It could actually happen with almost any SimConnect client and the MindStar G1000, but is more likely with FSUIPC because it is the most common and most intensive SimConnect user available.

    It also depends upon the ORDER in which the SimConnect clients initialise their links to SimConnect and the MindStar gauge initialises itself. It seems that if the SimConnect processes precede the Mindstar G1000 processes in the internal FSX chains, the latter causes FSX to crash as soon as it attempts to file a plan. Apart from FSUIPC there aren't that many intense SimConnect users likely to have active SimConnections before the gauge is initialised.

    The proper fix must be in Microsoft's hands, but that won't affect FSX (or ESP1). However, because we now know the order is important, there are workarounds.

    The first workaround which seems to work 100% from our tests is to have the aircraft with the MindStar G1000 loading as part of the default flight. This gets it initialised before FSUIPC connects. This should work with any version of FSUIPC and the G1000.

    The second workaround is to somehow cause FSUIPC to re-SimConnect AFTER the Mindstar G1000 gauge has initialised. This can now be done with the FSUIPC version 4.419 or later, using a new additional assignable control called "Re-simconnect". This method should work with any version of the G1000, but only with FSUIPC 4.419 or later. However, it is inconvenient because it requires an extra keystroke or button press by the user, and if he forgetscrash.

    So, the third and best workaround is being implemented and tested as I write this, and that is where the Mindstar G1000 gauge forces FSUIPC to re-SimConnect, using a mechanism I've supplied them. This will work with any recent (4.40 or later, please) version of FSUIPC, but obviously needs the updated G1000 from Mindstar. This method will be automatic and the only noticeable side-effect will be some extra FSUIPC log lines saying it is reconnecting to SimConnect. In 4.419 and later this will log as "by request", but in older versions it will log as if SimConnect stalled and had to be restarted.

    Note that I only support current versions (4.40 or later at present), so no-one should now be without a solution to this problem.



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