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Everything posted by xkoote

  1. John, I have various Lua’s with basic button control etc. I’m sure I can figure it out. If not I’ll give a shout out. 😊
  2. On the topic of the Bonanza, it seems Black Square have a different setup for the turbo variant. The axis is controlled via an Lvar "L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1" with the values as ,percent. If I execute this calculator code for example; 50 (>L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1, Percent) FSUIPC will place the mixture lever to 50%. Searching through the advanced users document, it wasn't clear to me how I can map this Lvar to an axis, so that axis position can correlate with the percentage. Can this be done?
  3. John, processing the axis through the calibration did it. Before that I tried every possible combination of what was suggested above with differing results. Non satisfactory. I then processed the axis and viola. So it was completely my bad. I was under the mistaken assumption that the "Send to FS as normal axis" required no processing. But I was wrong. Thanks again.
  4. Hello, I am having a slight issue with the A36's Mixture controls. I do have it working finally with the following line; 3=AV,256,F,65919,0,0,0,*-1 -{ TO SIM: MIXTURE1_SET }- However, the lever operates through its full range only in the upper half of the physical axis range. ( 0 to -16384 or to 16384 because it is reversed). I would like to add resolution by allowing the full 32k physical range to adjust the axis in SIM. I tried going through scaling for advanced users by for example changing it to this; 3=AV,256,F,65919,0,0,0,*-1,+16384 -{ TO SIM: MIXTURE1_SET }- but that only moves the movement from one half to the other. Is there a way to force full resolution onto the SIM axis? Cheers, Xander
  5. [SOLVED] So this Steam "Community" folder has dates from August 2020. I don't remember ever testing out MSFS2020 for steam. But anyways, I have temporarily renamed the whole folder containing that UserCfg.opt to make sure I am not inadvertently messing up my install. Reinstalled FSUIPC and the log now correctly detects my Store install. Loaded up MSFS and 1597 Lvar's loaded 🙂 So it all works now. I already bound both start switch guards and switches. So all is well. You support is amazing as always.
  6. I've never had Steam installed on my PC. Understood John, thanks again.
  7. John, I have, - uninstalled FSUIPC7, - removed all its folders, - removed the faux (old) E:/FS2020 folder where my old MSFS2020 installation was, (only FBW and FSUIPC still see this old directory as my community folder) - removed all install instances of FSUIPC7 from registry, - and searched the registry for "E:FS2020" without any results. Still, after a clean FSUIPC7 install, the log files mentions E:/FS2020 as the community folder location and creates a file structure down to community to place the lvar modules folder in. Do you know maybe what it is looking at to come to this location so I can remove it?
  8. Welcome to FSUIPC 0 Lvars loaded, 0 hvars loaded, 9506 presets available This is what FSUIPC tells me on first load of the airplane after a PC restart. EDIT: Delving into the log files I believe I have found the issue. A handful of programs are looking at my old MSFS install directory and placing folder there. Hence the reason why Lvar's can't be found. It will probably also solve the problem once FSUIPC knows where to look for the community folder.
  9. John, that sounds amazing. I will check all the above mentioned. Cheers,
  10. Hello, after the disappearing of the rotor brake codes, I have finally found the time to take the plunge. As is usually the case, you have to do it right once or twice and the rest is just a matter of changing values etc. I have created a MACRO file called MD80.mcro. Inside I have added the line: [Macros] 1=L:overhead_event=Set I have then opened the FSUIPC7 ini file and added: [MacroFiles] 1=MD80 I have then assigned a button on my Honeycomb Alpha to "MD80: L:overhead Event Set" and "Parameter 536870917" but I get no reaction. Opening the console to log Lua events gives the following when I press the assigned button. "No LVAR found with name 'overhead_event': cannot proceed". This happens with any of the guard or start switches I try. Which of course means none of the assignments work. Confirming via the airplane's .xml file you can see that there is an LVar event with the name "overhead event" "<CallbackCode> (M:Event) 'WheelDown' scmi 0 == if{ 536870912 5 + (>L:overhead_event, number) for example. Funny enough if I execute the LVAR code "536870912 5 + (>L:overhead_event, number)", the start switch moves. Any ideas?
  11. Hello, I was having issues with the new PMDG 737 Parking Brake logic while setting up my PMDG 737 profile (A BIG thank you to John for the new PRESETS). The problem is that I could set the Parking Brake just fine. Which means that it is sensing the full application of brakes correctly. Otherwise, according to their logic I would not be able to set the brakes. However, pressing full brakes again will not release the brakes. The issue is that MSFS is not P3D. Especially when it comes to axes. Different airplanes react differently. For example, for the PMDG, you *need* to set the brakes as "Axis". However, you do not need to set the throttles as "xxxxxxxx_Ext1" for them to behave correctly. Also, some axes operate normally, until you try and calibrate them in FSUIPC. This is the case with the brake axes. ** If you want to have the new PMDG Parking Brake logic to operate correctly, you need to have;** - The toe brakes set as normal axis and set as "Axis Left Brake" and "Axis Right Brake" - You need to reset (remove) any brake calibration you may have in FSUIPC - You have to then go into the .ini file for you PMDG 737 and add ",*-1" to you two brake axis lines like so; (This will reverse the axis for correct brake function without calibrating) 6=EX,256,F,66387,0,0,0,*-1 -{ TO SIM: AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET }- (only the bold part is important as the number and "EX" reflect my setup) The new logic will now be correctly replicated.
  12. John, I have not downloaded the latest update. Thanks for that I will check it out. I am working on Leonardo's MD80, which is only Beta access. However since the above were all default FS controls I thought it would not have mattered. Thanks for the reply, I will check it out after updating. Xander
  13. I am trying to mimic a behavior that I am using in P3D, for the same airplane in MSFS. So the background is that we all know that one way to get reverse is to leave the "No Reverse Zone" unticked and calibrate the axis to some value above the stops. Anything below will then be reverse. This is not practical however for many reasons and joysticks. There is no detent defining your idle stop is one of the most prevalent. Most controllers also have the reverse as a button under the axis. It was so for my Saitek's and the same for my new Bravo Quadrant. So the solution I have come up with and that works beautifully is this; 5=P0,9,C65966,0 -{THROTTLE1_DECR}- 6=U0,9,C65967,0 -{THROTTLE1_CUT}- This is the reverser lever (button) on the axis and is responsible for extending the reversers (if the throttles are idle) when engaged and forward idle when released. This works good in P3D and also in MSFS, however; 9=P0,25,C68047,-8500 -{AXIS_THROTTLE_REVERSER1_SET}- 10=U0,25,C68047,-13000 -{AXIS_THROTTLE_REVERSER1_SET}- These are assigned to the reverser range button under this axis. This tells FSUIPC to set a specific reverse throttle setting of xxxxx value when pressed and xxxxx value when released. When combined with the above, I get a perfect reverse deployment, around 1.3 to 1.4 EPR (or about 70% of reverse) when pressed and around idle reverse when released. Stowing (releasing) button 9 above which is the reverse lever, then brings the throttle to forward idle. In MSFS I no longer see "AXIS_THROTTLE_REVERSER" in the list of FS commands. What would be a good way to do this same behavior in MSFS? Deploying and stowing reverse is set, however I can't find a way to place the amount of reverse on button as I could with P3D. Thanks, Xander
  14. Issue indeed fixed, thanks to all !
  15. Solved !!! You guys rock. Thanks a million .... [Buttons.PMDG DC-6] 1=CP(-B,1)A,0,C66587,40202 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 2=CP(-B,1)A,1,C66587,40201 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 3=CP(-B,1)A,2,C66587,40302 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 4=CP(-B,1)A,3,C66587,40301 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 5=PA,5,K87,10 -{Key press: ctl+W}- 6=UB,0,C66587,40401 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 7=PB,2,C66587,43401 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 8=PB,3,C66587,43601 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 9=RB,6,C66278,0 -{RUDDER_TRIM_LEFT}- 10=RB,7,C66279,0 -{RUDDER_TRIM_RIGHT}- 11=RC,0,C65607,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}- 12=RC,1,C65615,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}- 13=CP(-B,1)C,2,C66587,40002 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 14=CP(-B,1)C,3,C66587,40001 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 15=CP(-B,1)C,4,C66587,40102 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 16=CP(-B,1)C,5,C66587,40101 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 17=PD,10,C66587,60101 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 18=PD,6,C66587,60201 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 19=PD,8,C66587,6001 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 20=CP(+B,1)C,2,C66587,5202 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 21=CP(+B,1)C,3,C66587,5201 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 22=CP(+B,1)C,4,C66587,5302 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 23=CP(+B,1)C,5,C66587,5301 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 24=CP(+B,1)A,0,C66587,5402 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 25=CP(+B,1)A,1,C66587,5401 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 26=CP(+B,1)A,2,C66587,5502 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 27=CP(+B,1)A,3,C66587,5501 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}-
  16. Unfortunately adding this line to my .ini file creates an error. (24=CP(-B,1),C,2,C66587,40002 << ERROR 19! Line ignored >>). I'll have a look at the flagging options.
  17. Indeed, just came back from testing, and it is now dual function. I will try what Pete said. Else I'll see if flags are worth it. Thanks a lot to both.
  18. Cool Pete. I took the example too literally ;-). Cheers !
  19. Hello, I have dual Saitek throttle quadrants. (for a total of 6 toggle) switches. The 4 middle ones are used to control an aftermarket airplane's 4 mixture levers. By using the compound method, I thought it would be an idea to also use these same 4 toggle switches to control the respective magneto's. [Buttons.PMDG DC-6] 6=RC,0,C65607,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}- 7=RC,1,C65615,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}- 8=RB,4,C65607,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}- 9=RB,5,C65615,0 -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}- 10=RB,6,C66278,0 -{RUDDER_TRIM_LEFT}- 11=RB,7,C66279,0 -{RUDDER_TRIM_RIGHT}- 18=PA,0,C66587,40202 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 22=PA,3,C66587,40301 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 24=PC,2,C66587,40002 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 25=PC,3,C66587,40001 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 26=PC,4,C66587,40102 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 27=PA,2,C66587,40302 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 28=PC,5,C66587,40101 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 29=PA,1,C66587,40201 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 30=PB,2,C66587,43401 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 31=PB,3,C66587,43601 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 32=PD,10,C66587,60101 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 33=PD,6,C66587,60201 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 34=PD,8,C66587,6001 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 38=UB,0,C66587,40401 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 39=PA,5,K87,10 -{Key press: ctl+W}- 40=CP(+JB,B1)JC,B2,C66587,5202 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- 41=PB,1,C66587,5202 -{ROTOR_BRAKE}- Line 40 represents my effort. Pressing button 1 on the Saitek yoke, before pressing button 2 of the throttle quadrant, I want it be act out Rotor Brake 5202, which turns the magneto rotary selector counter-clock wise. However it does not work. So the next step was to make sure the rotor bake code works. Line 41 represents my effort to make sure Rotor Brake 5202 does indeed control the rotary switch as it should. It does. You notice the same Jostick B (Yoke) button 1 is set to control the rotor brake code. Any ideas why the code does not work?
  20. Just landed in Dallas on a 15+ hour flight. Flying back home on Tuesday. I see a lot of info here. Means I have homework to do as soon as I get back ;-) Thanks !
  21. Thanks for replying. I’ll try it out when I get back home.
  22. Having been a veteran of the FSX/P3D ways for 20 years now I have reached a stumble block. I like to exhaust as many options as possible before posting, but I haven't reached a clear solution, so I have to ask. 😟 I have used FSUIPC for many years now and like it. All my aircraft are all set up through it. So much so that porting over the P3D profile for a single aircraft (DC-6) made "almost" everything work. The throttles and Prop axes are giving me immense headache. So far I have: - Deleted my DC-6 P3D profile and tried a fresh initial setup. - Removed ALL assignments related to power and propeller management via either an MSFS internal axes or keyboard bind in a custom clear profile. - Tried various FSUIPC options related to possible throttle values. (To Calibration, as normal axis and it's various options) None work. The prop control is completely unresponsive, and as I have it now (To FSUIPC Calibration) when you move the physical joystick axis, the engine wants to change setting. However due to the throttle in the DC-6 VC not moving together with the joystick axis, the power jumps back to the current setting. Any ideas? p.s. I am cc-ing this post in the PMDG forums as well. All my other axes (aileron, rudder, individual brake pedals and flaps) work. As well as all buttons (rudder and elevator trim, separate mixture controls) assigned via the same FSUIPC profile. Thanks,
  23. Thanks Pete. Xander
  24. Hello, I tried searching the forums and the net without result. I remember when v4 came out, the old plugin went out the window. Pete's last comment regarding this I remember was that it was not sure if it would come back as Lockheed keep changing the location of the necessary values. My question is, has this changed at all since? Or has the plugin remained elusive? Contrary to popular belief, the friction model is still bad. You still need way more thrust than in real life, and the old plugin was a true Godsend back in it's day. Kind Regards, Xander
  25. Thanks Pete! Amazing product. Xandee
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