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Everything posted by Frederic_320

  1. Many thanks John for your responsiveness and the clarity of your explanations. I will program my future scripts based on your documentation update, so for now I will leave them in an uncompiled version. Have a nice week, thanks again. Frederic
  2. Hello Dave, hello John, Thanks for your questions and answers. In the FSUIPC7 manual (FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf) I can read : " FSUIPC recognises all files placed into its installation folder that have filetype “.lua”. These should all be Lua programs, either in normal interpreted source format or in the “compiled” format if desired (Lua provide a compiler “luac.exe”) " I was used to compile my previous LUA scripts with the Luac.exe compiler (v5.1.5), and it worked fine with FSUIPC5 and 6. Please could you confirm that the compiled LUA files are no more usable with FSUIPC7, contrary to what is said in the current documentation and as they were before ? Thanks in advance, and sorry for my English... Frederic
  3. Just tried LUA 5.1.5 x64 compiler and it works fine :-) Many thanks Pete for your support, I was needed it to update LAAP script (Live ATC Auto Play). If you have some time here is a demonstration made by Fs-Pilots.com : And if you enjoy, I'll be happy to send you a full version ! Thanks one more time, Regards, Frederic
  4. Thanks Pete for your response. The compiler used is luac 5.3 x64, I thought it was compiling in 64 bit, but perhaps it's only a 64 bit luac.exe which creates 32 bits byte code. I didn't find any documentation to confirm, but I'll investigate further. If you have any idea on how to compile 64-bit compatible lua on a Windows platform, please let me know. Regards, Frederic
  5. Hello, Compiled lua files give me an error "Bad header in precompiled chunk" with P3D4 and FSUIPC 5.103. Source LUA files are OK. Everything was OK with P3D3 and FSUIPC4 : both sources and compiled files were executed. I tried x86 and x64 versions of luac53, no change, still the same error. Any idea on how to execute compiled lua scripts in P3D4 is welcome, thanks in advance and sorry for my English ... Regards, Frederic
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