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  1. Just downloaded this new version and here's the error Im getting when trying to install
  2. Hi Pete. Just wondering if you will be supporting the new Microsoft sim? I've been on the Alpha, and now Beta test team from the start, and with the release of the Beta last week the sim show much promise. I suspect it will be very popular. Thanks for keeping up with FSUIPC over the years. I use it for controllers and for connection to SmartCars. Not sure how I would manage without. Kindest regards, Randy Dettmer
  3. Just a quick follow up note on the auto save issues: I have flown all the V4 PMDG aircraft (A2A and AS Twin Otter as well) on several flights now, my sim runs day and night, and have had zero problems since installing the 5.103e patch. Thank your so much for all you do with FSUIPC!
  4. Yes. When it was auto saving the sim would stick for a few seconds (did this in V3) then seemed to do a jitter or two before returning to normal operation. After doing this for 1-5 hours FSUIPC would stop working and disappear from the addon dropdown. On a brighter side I have installed the 5.103e patch and have been flying for several hours and all is working as it was in V3. I'll pass this info to my VA members having troubles as I think it will solve their problems as well. I'l continue flights that will challenge the module and see if this is a dead issue. Thanks for your support! Randy
  5. Thanks for looking into the save issue! I hoping we wont need this option at all in the future. With V4 the OOM problems are gone (for now anyway), but many are having CDTs. The latest issue for me is with SODE. SODE installed = CDT on longer flights. One thing I have noticed in V4 is when saving manually the save is much smoother than using auto save. Is that because the sim in being paused for the save operation? I'll download the latest FSUIPC and up the save time and see how that works and will let you know how it pans out. Regards, Randy
  6. Pete, It seems a few of us in our VA are having the same issue with auto save. But we do have one person that is not having this problem. cant figure that one. Since the primary reason we all bought this was for the auto save feature it stands that we should be working through this. Additionally, when FSUIPC fails it stops SmartCars from recording as well. Even if the flight makes it we can log it. I dont know of any one who has any issues with the auto save in V3, so the problem is new to V4. I have attached log files for SmartCars and FSUIPC for your reading pleasure just in case it is some other issue. Above you mentioned that we could extend the time FSUIPC will wait for the save. How exactly is that done? I dont mind the sim pausing every 20 minutes for 15 seconds if it save a 14 hour flight. Awaiting your words. Randy Error logs.rar
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