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Everything posted by Eytan_ofir

  1. runing p3d v4... when i said that without the driver it dosent work i meant that it dosent work only in fsuipc dosent matter if i have the driver or not.. what is RAW And DIRACTE mod? i will try uninstalling the driver and let you know. thanks FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC5.log
  2. yeah it was working for me fine all the time but after a fresh install of windows it happend. without the driver it didnt work thats why i installed the driver. and again every program reckonize it.. including the sim... just not fsuipc..
  3. Fresh install of windows usb tq of saitek not reckonized by fsuipc but it is in the sim and windows... saitek driver installed...
  4. If your sim "could" crash then it is not stable. for example i know 1000% that my sim never crashes. you need to reach that
  5. If your sim is stable you simply do not need autosave. a healthy sim is a sim that dosent need autosave.. if your sim is not stable i reccomend you taking a look at the avsim ctd manuel for trabelshooting.. good luck
  6. First there wasent any help for what i ask thats why i never say what my need is i say what i want to do. Beacuse then it turns into a disscation about should i do it or not and thats not what i asked. What i asked is if there is an element in fsuipc to disable controlls for a time period and then renable. Thats it
  7. Im just going to clear the asiiments in cruise and redo them before descend. thanks
  8. You do not understanding me... of course while takeoff and landing i ALWYAS touch my controlls but i need to disable my yoke during cruise!!!! is there anyway to do it or not?
  9. as i said in my post. somtimes during flight i touch my controlls. thats why i need to disable them
  10. I just need to disable my yoke.. isnt there any simple option to do so? like in the p3d v4 settings/other/enable conrollers?
  11. Hi im sure you know the enable controllers option in the settings/other to disable controlls. i like to do that during flight beacuse somtimes i touch my stuff during flight. now i started using fsuipc for my flight controlls. so i wanted to know if there is any way i can disable fsuipc controlls during flight. and then re enable them. and one more question the diffrence between the flight controlls of the sim and the flight controlls of fsuipc is that the yoke moves faster? means more fps on the yoke like in x plane... thank you. Eytan
  12. there is... you just have to look..
  13. thanks that fixed that for me
  14. Hi i've just updated fsuipc to the latest version... i had p3d 4.1 for a week now.. and the moment i nstalled the update i get freezes in the sim every 10 seconds. autosave is disabled Please help
  15. Ok thank you very much i will ask at the avsim forums!
  16. Hi thanks for the replay by saying that when i come back after 12 hours and everything is fine i meant to say that there is a possiblity that it happends and then returns to normal.. its so wierd i fixed it once by installing a diffrent nvidia driver but now its not working Witch nvidia driver is the best for v4?
  17. So ussely after 3 hours somtimes more somtimes less i have this freeze. so the SIM DOES NOT CRASH!!! the flight continous i can turn sound off and on and go to outside view and i hear everything but! the sim is frozen means that i hear everything moves but i dont see anything i see the plane frozen and nothing moves. i have this problem from the moment i got p3d v4 4 months ago. im not finding this problem nowhere and im getting so frustetad i just cannot fix it if i will go on a 12 hour flight and leave the sim i will come back after 11 hours and everything is fine... but when im doing a 8 hour flight and im staying on the computer and watch youtube videos and do things it will freeze after 2-4 hours. I dont know what to do anymore.. please help Add ons: ORBX GLOBAL, VECTOR, OPENLC EUROPE NA AND SA FsRealTime FsLinda ASV4 OC4BA SIOC Drivers for open cockpits MCP Vpilot AI Ultimate Traffic live. PMDG 777-747-737 happends with all planes! Using Fiberframetimefraction=0.18 tweak PLEASE HELP!
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