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Everything posted by RDG41

  1. Hi Pete, Thanks for the quick response. As it turns out, you were right about divices :oops: When I went through all of them, it seems I missed one. Once this was deleted , all was well :D .Thanks for the help. Ron Gautreau
  2. Hi all, I'm nearly at the end of my rope :cry: trying to figure out how to program the Saitek Pro yoke with and extra quadrent using FSUIPC. I can get all (4) throttles programed ok,(except rev thrust) but because the first (2) levers on the second quadrent have a default assignment for ailerons and elevator ,they still control these assignments along with the throttles. So when I move the throttles for engines 3 and 4 , the yoke is also moving in the sim as well. I'm sure this is just something I'm doing wrong but I've tried everything. I've deleted all the assignments in FSX and I still can't seem to get rid of this. If someone could guide me through programming this for the PMDG 747,or could make a small tutorial, I would be so grateful and I'm sure it would help alot of other not so "techi" people out there. Thanks for the help, Ron Gautreau
  3. Fantastic!! :o But where can I find it? Thanks. Regards, Ron Gautreau
  4. Thanks Pete. :) Regards, Ron Gautreau
  5. Hi Pete, Can you please repost a link for the 4.4.222 Beta? I've tried to download it but it seems the link is broken. Thanks, Ron Gautreau
  6. Hi Pete, I'm just posting to let you know that I had exactly the same issues as Lee and others. I could'nt fly for any longer than an hour before the sim would hang, and sometimes CTD and occasionally reboot the machine. I tried eveything (but not as extensive as Lee) and could'nt put an end to it.I almost gave up flying altogether. It was just by chance that I located this thread and tried ver3.70 and have been crash free ever since. In fact, I flew for 10 hours non stop without a problem last night. So, just some more info for you. I'm running an invidia geforce 7800gs,3.0gig proc.,2 gig ram, with PMDG, Wilco,UT,FSGenisis, and a few more. Regards, Ron
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