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Posts posted by Jonti

  1. Just testing this today.....Is there a way to increase button rate input? Perhaps I imagined that! I thought I once did this a few years back. The issue is the elevator trim input on a MSFS 2020 addon aircraft is really slow (nothing like the real aircraft) it is a PA 28 from a well known publisher - no idea how they managed to get that so wrong, it is about half the rate of change of the default Cessna which is actually about right vs real world. In FSX days I'd simply change this in aircraft.cfg but I can't do that anymore as there is no aircraft.cfg (at least that I can see).

  2. Erm - no I did not. It says this:

    First download and install the demo version and check functionality!
    The demo version is the product installation file; there is no other download!
    By reading this I thought it was a time limited version or something - it sort of says there is nothing else to do... it does not mention a registration key. 
  3. Thank you - so ALT-F is the main UI to the program? i.e. it is no longer possible to do advanced things like we used to be able to do in previous versions of FS / like buttins and axis adjustments? I only see options to log things not set things? I just re-read the installation guide - but I don't see anything there that enables the UI into the typical functions of before? May be this is just not what FSUIPC does anymore and I'm too stuck in past? 

  4. Hi - I'm a new (but old user of original FSUIPC4 & 6) and I'm a bit lost re MSFS 2020 - I installed the trial version into MSFS 2020 but I can't find anywhere to bring up FSUIPC options (like we used to do in FSX) is it supposed to be visible somewhere? I tried finding instructions and also could not find anything that would say what to click somewhere to bring up the interface. All I wanted to do is see if I can alter the trim rate input of joystick buttons / if this would be possible I can buy it. But right now all I can do is ALT F - but I don't see anything inside of MSFS actually that is FSUIPC?? I'm sure this is something really obvious but I simply dont see it?  R Jon

  5. Just to check - is support for winXP stopped now for wideFS 7 ? I get a message "this is not a valid 32bit application" when I try to run it. I did check docs but could not see a reference to no support for XP. I tried on x3 different XP machines SP3 and all gave same error. Many thanks for answer - if I'm getting too old along with my PC's no problem!  I'll stick with version 6.


  6. I’ve tried everything- but I notice even on videos online / youtube tutorials- these horrible shimmering lines are visible / especially as you zoom out views. I think it’s a program problem where it is not properly antialiasing edges and lines properly or it’s to do with the antistropic filtering. It’s such a shame but for 2018 I’m sure they could improve this with a few tweaks. I don’t have this with any other software i’m currently using like FSX etc 


  7.  I had those but it seemed like the steam version just would not work properly.  I’ve re purchased the desktop version and it is working now. Hopefully i’ll get refund for the steam version. The issue of the shimmering/ lines antialiasing is quite pronounced no matter what settings I use which is a shame because the software itself is a lot of fun especially with the voice recognition working. 

  8. Hi 

    I just started using Traffic Pro 3d. I purchased via Steam. I have version sp 3.3c which i believe is latest. 

    I also purchased the additional EDDS pack which is supposed to give real colour and real call signs (i think). - but i can’t see how to enable real call signs and the colours look the same, with awful (non antialiasing distant graphics). My settings are set high with a system that normally will give great GFX (gfx 1080Ti) I’m sure i’m missing something here ? Or have I made a mistake buying steam version? 



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