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  1. Hi John WASM v0.4 if working fine. No crash. I notice that List LVARs creates a list that is shorter than what is visible in Get LVARs or in Create aircraft LVARs file. I attached some logs. FSUIPC_WASMIF.log Airbus A320 Neo Asobo.1.lvar Airbus A320 Neo Asobo.2.lvar Airbus A320 Neo Asobo.3.lvar Airbus A320 Neo Asobo.4.lvar Airbus A320 Neo Asobo.5.lvar FSUIPC_WASM.log List LVARs.txt
  2. Hi John The WASM Client crash is solved with v0.3 but all tools in Control menu do not work. Pressing Reload crash the sim. Yves
  3. Hi John I use the latest FBW development version (updated today). I can't find a version number. Yves
  4. Hi Thanks for your works on LVars access. I tried WASMClient. It works fine when it is alone in the community folder. But when I add FlyByWire A32NX add-on, WASMClient crashes when I start the connection with MSFS. I tried to change the StartEventNo in both the WASM and the WASM client (I tried 0x1FF8 and 0x2FF0. I don't know what is the acceptable range). I attached both log files. MSFS FBW recent dev version Yves FSUIPC_WASM.log FSUIPC_WASMIF.log
  5. Hi Mark. I saw your previous posts. Is MobiFlight.A320_neo_MFD_Range_1 works with a parameter? I add it to mobiflight WASM module events.txt and to FUIPC evt file. Even with a parameter I cannot change the EFIS range. MobiFlight.A320_neo_MFD events without parameters works well. Any idea to make events with parameter to work? Thanks Yves
  6. Hi John I will test this next week. Yves
  7. Great! I will check this. I look in FSUIPC LUA Library document for this kind of function. You should integrate LuaFileSystem with FSUIPC LUA Library document but I understand that LuaFileSystem is not a FSUIPC library. Yves
  8. Thanks Pete. Is there a way in a LUA plugin to know when a file has changed. I can use event.timer() to periodically check a file but what should I checked in the file to see if it has changed? Yves
  9. Hi Pete Thanks for your response. I will check the history to know when it is implemented. Let me know if you want me to test it. Yves
  10. Hi Pete I tried to implement event.textmenu() in a FSUIPC5 plugin to read a file from P3Dv4.4 I cannot make it work. I specified the path of the file in TextFileForDisplay parameter in the [Usr] section of FSIUPC5.ini. The event is never triggered even when the plugin is started. Is this the right place to specify the path? It would be great to be able to specify the file inside the plugin itself. This would allow to use event.textmenu() with different files. Thanks Yves
  11. Thanks Pete I didn't realized that event.textmenu() is now available in FSUIPC5. That is exactly what I need. Yves
  12. Hi We can access Simconnect Menus and text messages from WideClient using event.textmenu(). Is it possible to access them from FSUIPC (using offsets, etc.)? Thanks Yves
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