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  1. Hello, I want to manage the lights increasing and decreasing with a lua script that reads the current parameter status (let's say 40 in the example attached) and then when i press the increase button it decreases by steps of 5 Any idea? As you can clearly imagine I'm not a lua script expert!
  2. so simple, i didn't disconnect/reconnect.. thanks.
  3. i tried a double line mouse movement also in combination with a double click next to the button position in order to"reactivate" the mouse arrow before the actual command but nothing. waiting whh i'll have time. thanks for now
  4. Hello, I click on enable but.. "If the WASM menu is not visible, then the FSUIPC WASM folder fsuipc-lvar-module was not found under your MSFS' Community folder." I think to be in this situation but the folder exists at C:\Users\Cristiano\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\fsuipc-lvar-module.... what's wrong?
  5. Thanks John, The aircraft was Diamond DV20. The thing is this script used to work some MSFS updates ago....and with other instruments not controllable through other direct methods. I'm pretty sure before this fading of the mouse arrow thing.. I had a look to hubpop site but can you suggest any documentation on how to use/install those presets? I'll try also with lvar.. will see. Cristiano
  6. Hello, i have a lua script assigned to a button in order that when i press it in the relative instrument windows it presses the button to switch between OAT/volts. Everything is working fine when i have the mouse pointer, let's say, active with the arrow visible. If I wait a few seconds the arrow disappear (I think it'a a normal behaviour of MSFS. In this condition the script doesn't work at all. how can i do to make the mouse pointer active with the script? currently the two lines are: mouse.move(1566,204) mouse.click(0) Thanks fot help. CC
  7. yes that's what i meant. 😞
  8. Hello, I want to have a button that, at the flight start or during a flight, opens ATC & VFR MAP & ... windows and put them in a specific position on my side screens. I actually succeed in partially doing this using the script below: ext.position("ATC", 0, 0, 33, 97, 4) ext.position("VFR MAP", 33, 0, 63, 97, 4) ext.position("NAVLOG", 0,0, 50, 97, 2) ext.position("CHECKLIST", 50,0, 50, 97, 2) what is missing is the previous step that is to get the window "external" Any idea? Thanks. Cristiano
  9. Hello, I don't understand why it doesn't work. if I pull back to OFF the left and right levers I get the following lines in the log file: 2432547 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65955 (0x000101a3), Param= 0 (0x00000000) FUEL_SELECTOR_OFF left lever 2613141 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66516 (0x000103d4), Param= 0 (0x00000000) FUEL_SELECTOR_2_OFF righr lever so i set the controls in the assignement button &switches window, getting back as expected the same lines 2721016 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65955 (0x000101a3), Param= 0 (0x00000000) FUEL_SELECTOR_OFF 2962766 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66516 (0x000103d4), Param= 0 (0x00000000) FUEL_SELECTOR_2_OFF but the levers don't go to the OFF positions. Can anyone explain that?
  10. Thank you John, if you find somethig let us know!.
  11. Hello, can anyone tell me the offset for the fuel transfer (L to R & R to L)? I need to manage the transition by a momentary (ON)/(ON) lever button. These are the lines from the log file when I operate the switch with the mouse : 24331531 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67072 (0x00010600), Param= 46 (0x0000002e) ELECTRICAL_CIRCUIT_TOGGLE [RIGHT TO LEFT TANK] 24333812 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67072 (0x00010600), Param= 46 (0x0000002e) ELECTRICAL_CIRCUIT_TOGGLE [OFF] 24334828 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67072 (0x00010600), Param= 45 (0x0000002d) ELECTRICAL_CIRCUIT_TOGGLE [LEFT TO RIGHT TANK] 24336234 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67072 (0x00010600), Param= 45 (0x0000002d) ELECTRICAL_CIRCUIT_TOGGLE [OFF] Thanks for helping. Cristiano
  12. Thank you john. In my case I don't have crashes during flight but just when i try to access the controll window with more than 10 devices connected. I'm bypassing this issue by disconnecting the devices, assign the keyboard control i need, connect the devices again and use Fsuipc to manage the buttons i have.
  13. Hello, maybe same cause? I'm reconnecting my leo bodnar boards after a restyling of my cockpit.... till 9 ( plus hotas joystick, mouse, keyboard) everything is fine but when i try to connect the tenth board or another device (such as the hotas throttle or the rudder pedals) I have a crash to desktop and these lines in the fsuipc7 log file are shown: 74109 -------------------- Starting everything now ---------------------- 183047 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xC000014B 183047 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Traffic Message, return = 0xC000014B I don't know if it's related or not but in the MSFS controls window 12 seem to be the maximum number of devices that are shown... Till november everything worked fine with same number of devices...(16 in total).
  14. thank you, now it's clear to me. Cristiano.
  15. Hello, I noticed that when i pull or push the nutton on fs2020, in the log file compares anti_ICE_toggle_ENG1. is it normal?
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