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  1. Hello. I have a problem when assigning axis with two joystick boards, for example in joytick 1 I assign aileron at first it works fine but when I assign joytick 2 for example rudder. The joytick 1 that the aileron was programmed stops working but when I enter the fsuipc the aileron is still assigned but what is assigned does not work in the simulator. Could you tell me how I can fix this problem?😌
  2. well someone can help me. I'm having a problem getting fsuipc 4 to work in the fsx simulator as I get an error and the plugin doesn't show up. and I get this error window when starting the simulator
  3. Thank you very much, it worked for me with ALT + F😀
  4. Hola a todos, acabo de comprar el fsuipc 2020 para fs2020 pero no se como abrir el fsuipc, ya que tengo el fsuipc4 para prepard3d pero veo que ahora es diferente para el fs2020. Necesito que alguien me ayude 😪
  5. thanks for reply excuse me, but where can I do if you can tell me, since I'm new to this
  6. greetings, could someone tell me if you can program the taxi lights, navigate on and off, since some are only in toggle 😃
  7. Good help! I have a problem wanting to assign a button for the lights, as it happened, but I have the impression that that button was locked and it tells me that (this has mixed actions. Edit in FSUIPC .INI.). Could you explain to me how I have to do it since I am new using fsuipc?😔
  8. Hello . I have a problem registering FSUIPC 4. I can not find the 12-digit password. I lost the email where I had the password. You can resend the code, please. I still have the payment mail from the fsuipc.😥
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