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Everything posted by RKRA

  1. Hi John, Thanks for you reply. I have do the change in my program and it works fine. Kind regards, Reinhard
  2. Hi, I use the FSUIPC 6.201 with P3Dv5. I downloaded the FSUIPC SDK (November 1st 2024). I try the UIPC64_SDK_C_version2. The exe file works fine. I my 'simconnect' program, I insert the 'FSUIPC_open' code from the your 'UIPCHello.c' file. I can not use your 'FSUIPCuser64.lib' library because I use Visual Studio 2022 and the compiler who generate your library is not the same as the compiler in Visual Studio 2022. So, I include in my 'simconnect' program your source file from 'Lib64_source.zip'. When I start P3Dv5 and my 'simconnect' program, I can see that I use 'FSUIPC Version = 6.201'. But for the type of FS, I see 'Sim is Unknown FS' I thing you forgot to update the line 33 'static char *pFS[] = { "FS98", "FS2000", "CFS2", "CFS1", "Fly!", "FS2002", "FS2004" }; // Change made 060603' and the line 53 '(FSUIPC_FS_Version && (FSUIPC_FS_Version <= 7)) ? pFS[FSUIPC_FS_Version - 1] : "Unknown FS", // Change made 060603' At the end of the line 33 could you please add the string for the other FS like described in the 'FSUIPC_User64.h' and in line 53 change the '7' in 'the number of FS type' Kind regards, Reinhard
  3. Thank for the reply. I use the PMDG SDK for all the I/O and COMM1 and COMM2 frequency are not defined in the SDK. I retrieve the COMM1/COMM2 from SFUIPC. I am afraid there is no way to have the frequency information of COMM3. KR Reinhard
  4. Hi, I am working on Hardware/Software connected to FSX/PMDG 777. I wondering if there a way/possibility to retrieve the COM3 Active/Standby Frequency? Kind regards, Reinhard
  5. Hi Pete, I did not found the document ' Offset Mapping for PMDG 777'. I just found the one for the B747 (' Offset Mapping for PMDG 747QOTSII '). IT just says the offset mapping for the 3 CDU: CDUScreenDataThis is provided the raw matrix form provided by PMDG, in offsets 0x5400-0x57FF (for CDU 0), 0x5800-0x5BFF (for CDU1) and 0x5C00-0x5FFF (for CDU2). May be it is the same for the Boeing 777? Kind regards, Reinhard
  6. Hi Pete, Fligt Simulator X (Steam Edition). Airplane: PMDG Boeing 777 I am working on a CDU using a Raspberry Pi. The connection CDU <--> FSX is over Ethernet. I am able to send the event of the CDU keyboard and receive the data (LED). In the PMDG SDK B777 there is no mention about the data concerning the screen. I have contacted the PMDG support about these missing data. They recognize that this information is missing, but they could not give an answer about a new release of the SDK .h file. If I look on the Internet, I see some software for the 3 CDU of the Boeing 777 (CDU displayed on Tablet/Smartphone). I have buy one and it works fine. I believe that the CDU data screen information exist somewhere. Could you please give me some advices. Kind Regards, Reinhard
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