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  1. Thanks John. Got there eventually by programming the axis assignment ranges and once I had worked out the range parameters were -16383 to +16383 (as opposed to N1 percentages) was able to assign values for each range using "Throttle Set" to ensure that each throttle detent delivered the exact required N1 percentage for the sim. Works well now.
  2. Trying to find a way of getting the N1 percentages to match the TOGA, FLEX/MCT, CLIMB and IDLE detents on an A320 using the TCA Airbus Quadrant. Been going down the Axis Throttle Set route and trying to modify the slope but that doesnt work perfectly. Tried then using the Axis Assignment ranges, which does work but unfortunately there are only controls for Throttle TOGA, Throttle_90, Throttle_80 and downward in increments of 10, but FLEX/MCT operates are around 92-94% N1 and when moving back to the climb detent, 80% is a bit low and 90% a bit high. Is there a control which allows you to set a throttle axis parameter on the basis of a key or button press? (each of the TCA throttle detents have an assigned button) The other route would be creating a custom control for "Throttle_94" and "Throttle_85" and linking them to the Axis Assignment Ranges but not clear on how to achieve a custom control Having great fun fiddling around with FSUIPC having bought proper hardware for the first time! Any help appreciated. Best regards Rob
  3. John/Pete Do not take any time with the above - fixed it using a CP command in the profile.ini to make the mouse macro conditional on the button press linked to the ALT detent on the bravo selector know and this worked. Now just need to repeat for the other Carenado props.
  4. John/Pete Having had FSUIPC on my various sims over the year, I have finally upgraded from my old Saitek X45 to some proper throttle, yoke and other FS hardware and have now realised exactly how feature rich FSUIPC is and how it comes into its own in terms of custom programming of all the buttons, axes etc on the equipment. I have worked my way through most challenges by reading the User and Advanced User Guide but am stumped with the Alt/VS inc/dec knob on the Carenado props which uses custom L;Var code and is therefore not programmable using standard P3D controls either through FSUIPC or the Honeycomb Configurator for the Bravo Throttle. I have created a mouse macro in fsuipc for the alt var inc/dec on the Carenado knob, which works, but unfortunately, the action needs to be dependent on the detent of the selector switch (ALT, VS, HDG, OBS etc) and using the mouse macro therefore causes both the ALT and whatever is selected on the selector switch to increment or decrement at the same time. The Honeycomb Configurator provides the option for the condition of the selector switch, but you cannot reference an FSUIPC Mouse Macro as the event variable from here. Is it possible to convert the Mouse Macro into an Event Variable which the Honeycomb Configurator will recognise or is my only solution to this to use the advanced FSUIPC conditional programming to link the mouse macro to the correct detent of the selector switch (which would be more learning for me!!). Best regards Rob Schofield
  5. Benn running the "d" version all weekend with ai separation running and no problems to report. Best regards Rob
  6. Pete/John - that is the same fsais version (1.1) I am using. I will load up 1.5.1 on Saturday and EGGL and see what happens when slewing gets underway and report back. Regards Rob
  7. Pete - I can get it to occur at EDDT, LTFM and a few others I have tried, as soon as the first 'conflict' is managed in FSAIS. At Berlin, there were less than 130 AI aircraft active at the time according to AI Traffic Manager and significantly less than 300 at LTFM. Am back 0n 1.5 as that works fine, but will but 1.5.1 back in at the weekend and send some log files as requested. Regards Rob
  8. Did testing last night having found a copy of v 1.5 in another post on this topic. Outcome - FSAIS works fine in either P3Dv4.4 or P3Dv4.5 with FSUIPC v5.1.5, but as soon as you use or or b then irrespective of whether you are using P3dv4.4 or 4.5, it will crash when ai slewing becomes active. I think John has picked this up in the other post on this topic, has got a copy of RC4, and suspect whatever fix does the job for RC4 will similarly work on any other application which makes use of FSUIPC as its interface into the simulator.
  9. Pete - have re-installed the P3dv4.4 client application last night and will do some testing this week - is there any way of getting access to the legacy versions of FSUIPC - eg 5.15 instead of 5.151 or 5.151b which were updated to accommodate v4.5? Didn't keep by prior downloads! Regards Rob
  10. Pete - its ai separation which I use - and apologies, I'm running p3dv4.5 HF not FSX!! FSAIS has worked with every p3D version I have had, and probably for the reason you describe which it is solely using FSUIPC as its link into any simulator. Works fine in 4.5HF with FSUIPC 5.151 as long as it is not trying to slew an ai aircraft to maintain separation. It has only begun manifesting itself in P3dv4.5. Best regards Rob
  11. I appear to have similar problem with FSAIS v1.1, the AI traffic smoothing programme (which I still use!) It started crashing FSX shortly after loading it up at busy airports, and as soon as it starts slewing AI planes using FSUIPC to achieve desire separation P3d4.5 HF crashes. Repeatable at a number of locations. Am sure Pete will find a similar fix for insertion in FSUIPC.
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