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  1. I am running windows 10 pro. Will those directions work in win 10?
  2. I will do that but it will not help. In the .ini file under joy stick calibration, the only ones that work are Aileron,Elevator,Rudder. and with the BUO836A the only ones that work right are Prop Pitch1 & 2. I checked this inside aircraft. I only get a data reading when the control is full back or full forward. it does let me assign a name. (i e throttle,mixture) Aileron=-16223,928,928,16031 Elevator=-12497,3808,3808,16191 Rudder=-16320,-97,-97,16383 Throttle1=-16384,-512,512,16383/32 Throttle2=-16383,-512,512,16384/48 Mixture1=-15447,8192,8192,16351/32 Mixture2=-16383,8192,8192,16384/48 PropPitch1=-15407,0,512,16239/32 PropPitch2=-16335,0,512,16319/48
  3. Sorry about the confusion. in regards to your questions. 1. need to run P3D (and also FSUIPC) with administrator privileges (as well as all other P3D/FSUIPC clients). Are you doing this? yes 2. Your log file shows that you are using two Leo Bodner devices - are these separate cards or on the same card? yes The second BUO836A is used for switches only. I will tell you that I should have stated that not only could I not calibrate my controls I also could not assign them in fsuipc. I am sending you a new set of files showing the assignments and calibration. (I hope) I can see why you were confused. FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC5.log
  4. after downloading fsx into my flight sim all ready having P3d4 installed, I was not able to calibrate my dual engine home made throttle control which has worked very well with P3d4 before this move. I did find that I had a few "weak" 10k pots so I replaced them. I used Di View to check the movement of all controls and that is when I found some weak. Now all (6) are working well. However I still don't get any data on the Eng. #1 and #2 throttle controls and the mixture don't work as they should, but they do give me a little data. using fsuipc to do my assignments and calibrating. I am using the Leo Bodnar (BUO836A) card and all show good using DI View program. FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC5.log
  5. The reason Iam asking this question is because since I installed fsuipc v4 and FSX on my simulator, P3d4 is not working. the controllers (using fsuipc v5) are not working. Not able to calibrate my throttles,prop pitch,and mixture for two engine aircraft's.
  6. Will fsuipc v4 and v5 work along side with each other on the same computer but in different programs???? Iam talking P3d4 (fsuipc v5) and FSX (fsuipc v4).
  7. Problem solved. Just installed SP1 and now I have the addon menu. Thanks for all your help.
  8. I am using P3d4 along with fsuipc v5 and all works well however after installing FSX DE, iam not able to get the addon in the open screen menu in fsx. I installed fsuipc v4 (paid subscription). I think this should work but I seem to be missing something. I have the module folder in fsx but no addon. I am using windows 10. any ideas? FSUIPC4 Install.log
  9. I have built a ffb yoke from a sidewinder 2 joy stick and I think it is working however when I connect it to my simulator LM P3d4 all goes crazy. I disconnected my original yoke, and made sure that all ffb assignments were turned off in p3d but when I start p3d and if I move the yoke, the rudder pedals ,throttles and the views keep changing. It will not work. Is their a procedure that I need to do when using a ffb yoke because I still need to us the throttle and rudders and the buttons and switches that I am using thru fsuipc. I am using a software called XP Force also. Thanks hpwells
  10. Question: I am using P3d4 in my simulator and was looking to purchase Pilot2ATC. Will the free fsuipc7 download work for me or do I need to purchase "another" program?. I already have purchased fsuipc4 and 5 from you. Thank You Terry.
  11. Is there a way I can a list of the drop down menu for setting "buttons and switches" in fsuipc 5?? I am building switch panels and would like to know what's available. Thank You Terry.
  12. Pete, Thanks for responding so quickly. My flight simulator is mainly for two (2) engines so I limit my aircraft to those type (Jet or Prop). I do however sometimes fly the C-130 aircraft so what I did was make a "generic" overhead panel as to accommodate all aircraft that I may be flying. My throttle assembly is a dual control with throttle/prop pitch/Mixture controls and I can shut off the engines by pulling back on the mixture control and when flying four (4) engines I just make #1 also control #3 and #2 control #4. How would one interject MIXTURE_LEAN for all engines, of MIXTUREx_LEAN for engine x (x = 1-4) into FSUIPC? Thanks again pete One more thing. where can I get a list of all the buttons and switches that you can program in FSUIPC? ( the ones with the drop down arrow) hpwells1
  13. Hello again. I recently purchased FSUIPC5 for P3D4 and I can't seem to figure out "HOW TO "STOP" INDUVUAL ENGINES WHEN SHUTTING DOWN. I have no problem starting them because they are listed in the drop down list that way but there is no listing for shutting them down individually. I have read the manual and can't seem to locate anywhere on how to do this. (probably missed it) Could you please help me out with this. I am trying to program my overhead panel for my flight simulator. hpwells1
  14. Thanks Pete, will check it out next week. Terry
  15. Hi. Just went to the Sim Market to purchase Fusipc5 and I can't order it. When will it be available? hpwells1
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