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Everything posted by BigDAS

  1. If your replies are for Alain, I would not count on him returning to read them. He is currently working on projects for Orbiter Space Flight Simulator, notably the AMSO Apollo program series, which I have been beta testing for him.
  2. A noble gesture. Theft is theft.
  3. Whew! Alain's been doing some marvellous add-ons for the Orbiter Space Flight Simulator, notable the AMSO Apollo mission simulator, and he's been known to be somewhat protective of his work, which is understandable, but until I read this thread, I never fully realized the tremendious amount of work involved in the develpment of flight simulation software. I admit that I was mildly amused by the ongoing furball between two experienced software programmers, each defending his own area of expertese, but I also respected the knowledgable and intelligent reparte as a means to an end, namely the solving of a difficult technical problem. I was about to suggest to both parties that they collaberate on linking FSUIPC to Orbiter for Multiplayer and external applications, but it seems that opportunity has passed quickly. Anyway, just my 2 pence worth.
  4. Thank, Pete. I'll get the SDK and start work on it. I'll relay your information to the Orbiter crew.
  5. Hi, Pete! I just joined this forum recently, mainly because I'm a long-time user of MSFS but also a member of the freeware Orbiter Space Flight Simulator Forum, created by Dr. Matrin Schweiger. If you're unfamiliar with Orbiter, it's a realistic space flight simulator using real-time dynamics and physics based on actual celestial calculations. I have used FSUIPC to link navigation programs like FSNavigator and UBuild to MSFS. Recently, we at Orbiter have begun to incorprorate a port of the AIRAC GPS system as a vehicle autopilot, to be used for celestial and terrain navigation using actual VOR and NDB frequencies for IFR and ILS routes. Orbiter uses standard assembly type DLL's for it's Plug-in modules, and I was wondering if your program could be ported to Orbiter, to link nav plotters to create flightplans for Autopilot. If you would like to check out Orbiter, find it at: http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/ Thanks!
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