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Everything posted by Seanpa

  1. THanks John, I knew I was forgetting something really simple. Have a good day.
  2. Hi John, Thanks for the reply THe reason I did that is because I am not seeing condition on the left menu: For throttle one I see Throttle1 Axis Set Ex1: This works For conditioning one I expected to see Msatr Condition1 Pos: All I can see is Condtion Lever 1 Set or Axis Condition Lever 1 Set neither of which do anything. I do have Prop Pitch1 Axis Set Ex1 which does move hte lever but only gives 3 positions. Any ideas? Sean
  3. Hi John, Had this all working but then had to change all the USB connections around. Throttle working fine but conditioner not working. myevents.txt: MSATR THROTTLE1 LEVER SET2#@ 16384 + 0.74414 * 8000 - -8000 max 16383 min (>K:THROTTLE1_AXIS_SET_EX1) MSATR THROTTLE2 LEVER SET2#@ 16384 + 0.74414 * 8000 - -8000 max 16383 min (>K:THROTTLE2_AXIS_SET_EX1) MSATR CONDITION1 LEVER SET2#@ 16384 + 10923 / near 0 max 3 min (>L:MSATR_CONDITION1_POS) MSATR CONDITION2 LEVER SET2#@ 16384 + 10923 / near 0 max 3 min (>L:MSATR_CONDITION2_POS) FSUIPC.ini: [Profile.ATR] 1=ATR 42-600 House Livery [Axes.ATR] RangeRepeatRate=10 0=CX,256,F,67103,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE1_AXIS_SET_EX1 }- 1=CY,256,F,67110,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE2_AXIS_SET_EX1 }- 3=CZ,B,0,0,PMSATR CONDITION1 LEVER SET2,0 -{ Entering=Preset Control }- 5=DX,B,0,0,PMSATR CONDITION2 LEVER SET2,0 -{ Entering=Preset Control }- 6=DZ,256,D,23,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Flaps }- Attached is the Axis Assignment I know i am doing something wrong but cannot remember what. Thanks Sean
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