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Posts posted by dahsteak

  1. 5 hours ago, Jeffrey S. Bryner said:

    Alaska Airlines Op'd by SkyWest - On approach for arrival very soon....

    Here's a teaser of the tail and aft section of N185SY on the ramp at KPDX. So, this has been a complex repaint on an aircraft that has proven very challenging to repaint (lineups, texture distortion, etc).  Hopefully finishing this weekend; have to tweak the beziers on the engines and line up the text on the forward doors as well as the top of the starboard cargo door. Lots of details and accuracy (given the model) makes for long paint time.  




    Looks really good. One thing I noticed...the heated leading edge (chrome finish) of the winglet is painted over.

  2. 2 hours ago, Jeffrey S. Bryner said:

    I noticed a shortage of E170's of those liveries as well -- looks like the E175 got those liveries from inibuilds et al, though.  Currently, I'm working on Copa Airlines' E190 next, then E190's for JetBlue, then Alaska op''d by SkyWest, but after that I may at least have a go at Delta then United op'd by Republic.

    Awesome looking forward to it! Hopefully an American E190 comes out too!

  3. This is EPIC load dependent. Different planes and different carriers all have different versions of the avionics software. The carrier I’m most familiar with, uses manual speeds (blue) below 10,000, unless there is a speed restriction on an RNAV arrival. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Triholer said:
    • The TO/GA Button only gives you T/O Pitch and Roll Mode, you can pre-select NAV for Lateral Navigation on Ground and it will come to effect at (I believe) 400ft AGL

    This is correct, but NAV will only show up in white below the green ROLL. In an armed state. Unfortunately the current Ejets doesn't simulate this. It currently puts the NAV in green replacing the ROLL.

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  5. >4000 fpm isn't really accurate and is quite rare in any commercial jet, unless it's flying empty. Most track logs show around 2000-3000 fpm on average below 10,000 feet. Obviously this changes every flight based on loading and fuel.



  6. Taxi light does seem a bit dim even on the new hotfix. It might be angled wrong though. I did some testing on landing with just the nose taxi light on and it was quite bright when being pointed towards the runway, rather when on the ground when I think it's pointed to far upward. When taxiing around terminals it seems to illuminate the walls much brighter than the ground. 

  7. Yeah I get this too. Seems like it accelerates really fast, sometimes past 250IAS, then it tries to bleed off the extra speed by climbing at those rates when <10,000Ft. Above 10,000 it climbs just fine. If you look at a track log of an E175 flight on flightaware, the plane rarely gets above 3000fpm in most cases. 

  8. I've talked to a RW E175 pilot for a carrier in the US. He said regardless what AP mode you're or if you have green needles up or magenta, if you move the fix up, use the top left LSK, hit active, and plug in the course, the line should be drawn. I had an ILS with 5+ fixes on it and I tried drawing the INTC on the second to last one, and it deleted all the fixes until the final approach fix, and activated the leg from the FAF to the runway. 

  9. Descending on VPATH on an RNAV arrival into MSP, and the vertical track believes were are at full scale deflection. Once passing the FL240 restriction it goes full scale deflection in the opposite direction. And it approaches Vne/Overspeed. Seems like VNAV isn't reading the AOA restrictions correctly? Even though the restriction says AOA an altitude the plane doesn't necessarily needs to be AT the altitude of the restriction.




  10. Intermittently the light texture within the buttons don't work. Sometimes the GPU button will say avail/in use and other times it will just have a white box like in the picture below.




    Seems like you can fix this by reloading the vehicle in the sim.

  11. It seems when the autobrake is returned to the off position, after a while the EICAS display has black boxes in the fuel quantity section, oil press/temp, vibrations, gear information, and SLAT/FLAP/Spoiler. The information reappears if autobrake is put to 1 or speedbrakes are deployed, etc.



    Video showing the possible bug:




    mods. edit: subject line to reflect issue is solved (and not a bug)

  12. There seems to be an issue with waypoint sequencing in the MCDU when inserting/activating approaches. The MCDU will often skip/sequence to the next leg. This also happens when you try to add a INTC CRS for the final approach course.  It can be seen in the tutorial videos here

    Here is the example of me trying to program the final approach course in. As you can see it previews the line correctly, but when the flight plan modification is activated the next waypoint leg becomes active, and the line disappears. 

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