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  1. No, my issues are the spoilers missalingned and the flaps.
  2. I've created the view using chase plane. So, it's an external view.
  3. Well, someone on the dev team to note that please? It already escaped Sp1 and it was noted.
  4. Well, notice on 190 and 195, in various TOWs and LDWs. My tow today was 43489kg. Looks like something to do with the nosegear. Like some problem on contact points or semthing. I will try to make a video.
  5. It's just me or anyone else are seeing the plane jumping on takeoff and landing runs? Looks like that above some speeds the plane starts do jump. Also I'm thinking that the pitch is kind aggressive on takeoff, the nose of the plane pitch up lighting fast.
  6. Aeroplane Heaven shouldn't get paid.. Lots of bug on theirs models..
  7. That's a huge difference to be appointed as a perspective of the shot. Any angle you look this thing is wrong. And I agree that the deflection angle is the same of the ground operation. As of the wings, the gap is too big and the surfaces aren't alingned.
  8. Well, the Gap may be, but the surface is missalingned. Also what it has to do with the spoilers? On the other wing it is opening just fine.
  9. Ok, thankyou! As a sugestion to the team, you could develop something like it built in the plane.
  10. Hello, two flights with SP1 so far, one on the E190 and one on E195. Loading the planes on Cold and Dark I tried to open the doors. Only the main door opens. Even if I try SHIFT+1, 2, 3 etc.. On E195 flight the doors come back to work after landing. My E190 flight is starting now, lets see what happens on landing.
  11. Hello, on E195 this problem still persist after SP1.
  12. How difficult can it be to make a gauge to open the doors? Please guys, do something better about it. Doesn't need to be something fancy..
  13. Yes, on E195 I can't open any door but the main door. All others a completely broken. Flaps still are missalingned.. And I'm not even did a flight yet. This guys are in desperate needs for beta testers..
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