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  1. Air Canada E190 American Airlines E190
  2. Thanks for the help, I ended up fixing the issue by rebuilding my DLL.XML as you suggested. Thanks for the help you can make this solved.
  3. Below is a copy of my XML. Does it look like entries are missing? <?xml version="1.0"?> -<SimBase.Document id="add-on" version="4,0" Type="AddOnXml"> <AddOn.Name>FeelThere EJets</AddOn.Name> <AddOn.Description>FeelThere EJets Add-on</AddOn.Description> -<AddOn.Component> <Category>SimObjects</Category> <Path>SimObjects\Airplanes</Path> </AddOn.Component> -<AddOn.Component> <Category>Scripts</Category> <Path>Scripts</Path> </AddOn.Component> -<AddOn.Component> <Category>Effects</Category> <Path>Effects</Path> </AddOn.Component> </SimBase.Document>
  4. I'm literally out of options. There is nothing wrong with my XML references. Can you explain how the cockpit sounds are being called up? What CFG controls the sound logic, so I can look at that. I just installed it again for the 10th time. I've checked all of my other addons and none have this problem...
  5. I would believe that if the other aircraft such as FSLABS who uses the XML method didn't work. I've tried both installation methods and the sound is not working. The first version of Ejetv3 worked, something changed.
  6. I did. There are still no click sounds or cockpit environment sounds. It's like the aircraft is not linking to the sound folder with all of the various sounds. The only sound I get is the engine. Other than that there is nothing else.
  7. I'm reinstalling it again as we speak.
  8. Is the best way to install it via the Addon xml method or the standard P3D Root folder installation method?
  9. I haven't changed anything at all. The aircraft worked fine until the hot fix. I have done at least a dozen flights prior to the hot fix. I've reinstalled it several times. All other aircraft sounds appear as normal. I ran the installer as Admin. P3D did not ask for Gauge permission, should it have?
  10. I have confirmed all other aircraft sounds work as intended. My install in standard. The prior version of the Ejetv3 sound worked. I have ran the new installers as admin.
  11. I just re downloaded it and clean installed. There is still no sound at all.
  12. I re-downloaded it earlier today and before I reinstalled it, I removed everything (All folders). I can download it again and try again.
  13. This worked temporarily but then resulted back to only cockpit sounds.
  14. Greetings Team, After updating to hot fix install, I am having Ejet v3 sound issues. In the new install, I currently have no cockpit sounds. The only sounds present are the engines. Upon cold and dark, there are absolutely no cockpit environment sounds. This occurs on all 4 variants. I've reinstalled the application 4 times. I've tried the standard P3D folder install and the XML addon method and the results are the same. The previous build this did not occur. I originally thought I resolved it but I have confirmed this issue is consistent.
  15. I had the same issue. If you used the Addon XML install method for the Ejets, just unclick Feelthere Ejet it in the P3d V4 addon menu, restart P3D, go back to the addon menu and click it back on. Restart it again and the sounds should work for you.
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