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Everything posted by mnowinski

  1. Alt-F Alt-F works fine. Thanks
  2. OK, first...I'm using Win 10, but using the Win 7 "Legacy" format for screen display. Might be different than what you are using. Also, my FSUIPC7 is the "Unregistered" version. On my display, in the bottom right corner are some icons that give system info. One of which, "/\", will show a number of the active jobs that are running in the background. One of which is for FSUIPC7. That's the icon I clicked to get the menu to appear and let me turn off the Console Log. Mike
  3. Thank you John. Once I realized that I had to go to the hidden "Icon" menu selection to find the log menu, I selected it and it no longer appears. Mike
  4. After installing the updated 7.0.8 version, I began to get the Log Report window opening up on startup. I can't recall this happening in v7.0.4. Is there a way to have FSUIPC start without having the Log Report window open up? Thanks much, Mike
  5. Thanks Messers. Dowson. I'll give it a try shortly. One thing I did notice Pete is that my FSUIPC pages run from 1 to 11, not 1 to 6, but I can still find the page that you talk about.
  6. Report post Posted Saturday at 09:36 AM (edited) I am in need of a step-by-step procedure to set up FSUIPC for FSX prop aircraft that have "Prop Reverse" capabilities (Cessna Caravan ex.) and using a Thrustmaster controller that has a throttle lever with a "power off" detent and prop reverser positions that works with single or multi-engine aircraft.., I want to be able set up FSUIPC to apply this only to aircraft I choose as "type" specific. I appreciate all answers, but please try and keep them in context with my original request. Far too many go off on tangents that confuse me even more than a 74 yo should be. Thanks very much. Mike
  7. I realize that the original post is a bit old, but I am in need of a step-by-step procedure to set up FSUIPC for FSX non-jet aircraft that have "Prop Reverse" capabilities.and using a Thrustmaster controller that has a throttle lever with a "power off" detent and prop/thrust reverser positions that works with single or multi-engine aircraft.., I want to be able set up FSUIPC to apply this only to aircraft I choose as "type" specific. I appreciate all answers, but please try and keep them in context with my original request. Far too many go off on tangents that confuse me even more than a 74 yo should be. Thanks very much. Mike
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