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Giuseppe Reda

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Everything posted by Giuseppe Reda

  1. Hi John, thanks for reply, i did my best to solve it... about the logo lights and wing light and others similar, i know that the values are 127..256... etc... but since I needed those values set to 0 i did it that way. Why ?...because in Prosim when you turn on for example the logo light it strangely sets at the same time also the bits of the taxi light and the landing light and the beacon of the 0D0C offset. For the purposes of the software that must receive the informations for the score, the logo, the wings and the wheel well are not considered. That's why I put them at zero to avoid it automatically setting the other lights too. Actually I had to set the control to check_lights = 0 in every condition for the same reason (a little complicated to explain). But now works fine. I just wanted to know from you if everything was optimized. Thanks. Regards, Giuseppe Reda
  2. Hi John, I'm joining the discussion because I have a similar problem. So, I use the Prosim software (737-Max) for my home cockpit. The problem is that when, for example, I turn on the taxi lights i saw that at the same time Prosim activates in some way on the offset 0x0D0C also the navigation lights and the landing lights even if these visually do not turn on on the plane but in the offset mentioned the bits related to these (bit 0, bit 3, bit 2 etc...) are activated together with the main one just activated (taxi). Since i use an external software that reads the data from Fsuipc and that have the function of giving scores on the flight conduct (A Pilot's Life is the software), this incorrectly read the real situation. So I started to see if the spoofing could help me and i managed to partially solve the problem with the file that I attach here. I said partially solved because I can only get the spoofing to work correctly for the taxi light, as can be seen from the file (in fact now when I activate the taxi light switch, only the bit related to the taxi is activated in the 0x0D0C offset without contextual activation of the others as it did before). But what if I have to add the spoofing for the other lights, such as Anti-collision, landing lights etc.... which have an lvar each in the same Lua file? I tried everything but as soon as I add management of another light and activate the switches to try, the bits values are reset and set to 1 intermittently, it's as if it can't manage more than one condition. Surely i'm definitely wrong, but what can i do to solve? Since the values that i control are in the same offset and are expressed in bits, I don't think there is any possibility in ipc.writestruct to indicate the bits of an offset but only whole offsets. Is there a way to solve it? Thanks in advance. Giuseppe Reda Edit... In the meantime i solved ... but just for my info, can you give a look into the file (prova2.lua) and tell me if the solving method is the better way to solve ? It's already efficient ? or i must modify it using another method to make it more efficient ? Thanks in advance. Giuseppe Reda prova2.lua
  3. Hi, Mr John, thanks for reply. Good news that ! I never used LUA but i will give a look around that and surely i will solve my problem. Thanks again. Regards. Giuseppe Reda
  4. Hi, i would like to know if it's possible to send to an offset (for example 0x66D0) a value (such as 0/1)when the threshold it's reached or leaved ... in my case the default value of 75% and eventually how to do ? Thanks in advance. Giuseppe Reda
  5. Hi, i see a problem with the interface with Prosim version 2.28b4 that is declared by the staff compatible with P3dV5, The problem is like in the picture. The connection via FSUIPC give "Unsupported Simulator".. some idea ? Thanks
  6. Mine is: simMarket - Your Order (ORDER #2309727)
  7. Ok ... forget.... Sorry ... i forgot to put the file .fsi in directory.. Now works !.. Regards. Giuseppe Reda
  8. Hi, i wonder if the FS-Interrogate works yet.. because i run the program in my win 10 64bit and start normally but when i want to populate the grid with the "Setup Fields" function issue an error with a windows that say " Violation Access error etc....) Some info ? Thanks.. Giuseppe Reda
  9. Thanks for the reply Mr. Dowson... I thinked that a offset standard related was there but... Because i remembered that at times of FSX there was a Boeing 737 of default and when you gave the TOGA Command the N1 value was raising until this stop at a due point (i.e. 94% or 97% ecc..depends ..). I was thinking that this stop point value was codified in a FSUIPC Offset.. like an objective to reach from the simulator software... But maybe i'm wrong... anyway i will investigate on Prosim side (i use this add-on) to see if i find something... also i will give an eye to P3D side .... and if i find some solution i will report you. Thanks for the cooperation. Best regards, Giuseppe Reda
  10. Hi Mr. Dowson i tried the offset suggested but that don't give me nothing, no value.... stay all the time to 0. Also i gave a chance at the offset 07F4 (sound similar in description) and also this nothing... i declared in sioc in this way "Var 0066, name N1, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $07F0, Length 2 // N1 VALUE HOLD". I exclude that i can take this information from aircraft.cfg because this value change everytime changing some parameters of aircraft (weight, wether condition, reduced take/off ecc.) then everytime the N1 calcolated it's different, that's why for me is important to know where i can take the N1 calculated value (not in % but offset value). Thanks
  11. Thanks so much Mr. Dowson, i will try and i back !... Also , there is a legend about the FMA status code (Thrust mode) that normally i read on offset $0505 and these are: (from that i understand) 1 = A/T on no mode selected 2= TO/GA - N1 mode 3= SPD Mode but there are also others that i don't know what are (4,5,6,8,9) can you illuminate me about it ? Thanks in advance Regards, Giuseppe Reda
  12. Hi Mr. Dowson, i wonder if exist an offset in FSUIPC where the simulator write the commanded value of N1 in TOGA condition in advance. I explain more fine: i wrote a script Sioc for my throttle with motor DC and now works very fine but in Toga condition when i push the switches the levers advance not smooth because the position of them is calculated at the moment based on the value of offset 088C/0932. I would like to know if there is an offset where there is the value commanded / target of N1. I don't know if i explained fine my request. Sorry for my english. Thanks in advance. Regards. Giuseppe Reda
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