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  1. Got it. Thanks for the clarification.
  2. Quick question. I'm new to this MSFS2020. I'm assigning the LUA function toggle strobes light in the Fenix A320 with key assignment Ctrl + F1 in FSUIPC7. In MSFS, in the Camera > Drone, it says Ctrl + F1 is already assigned to the Toggle Foreground Blur function. Is there any issues if I assign Ctrl + F1 to strobes in FSUIPC7 while keeping the same key assignment in MSFS or should I delete that key? Meaning: FSUIPC7, toggle strobes = Ctrl + F1 MSFS drone camera, Toggle Foreground Blur = blank or FSUIPC7, toggle strobes = Ctrl + F1 MSFS drone camera, Toggle Foreground Blur = Ctrl + F1
  3. Pretty interesting you say that because I'm not writing or changing anything. Using the files from the link below, in fact, all I'm doing is after I convert the file extension from lua to txt extension, I 'm copying the functions that I only want to use. So its not me causing the error. It appears the error is already there to begin without me knowing. https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/538165-qw787-dreamliner-v11-9-mar-2020/ I don't have or use LINDA. I don't know if the coded functions in the files from the link above is missing anything or if it contains errors like you mentioned about the numeric lvars? How was I suppose to know what was wrong? I assume the functions in the lua files from the link above are correct. So for example, if I'm copying the QW_OH_LT_Both_RWYTF_toggle function (those 2 or 3 lines) as outlined from auctions.lua file, I assume its going to work however, it appears something is missing because whom ever created that function must've left something out for that function to work, wouldn't you agree? Perhaps what I got to do is go back and modify the QW_OH_LT_Both_RWYTF_toggle function to look something similar to how QW_OH_LT_TAXI_toggle and QW_OH_LT_STROBE_toggle look like because those 2 functions work perfectly fine when I assigned the press key I wanted to use. Unless you have a different solution on how its suppose to look like. I'm not trying to rant here but if I didn't need to come to this forum and seek help, I wouldn't have done so, even if the errors were obvious. In fact, I try searching the forum to help me solve the issue I'm having before posting my issue because I'm not trying to waste anyone's time here. I don't know what I'm looking for or even know what the error means. I don't think there is a manual to help translate the error, is there?? I'm not someone who knows code or software programming. That's why I post my issue even if they are obvious errors. I do appreciate you helping out.
  4. I've attached the files. I also have the event log checked within the FSUIPC but no log file was created. My789functions.txt FSUIPC6.1.log FSUIPC6.ini My789functions.log
  5. I'm a bit confuse with this one. Are you saying that in the AUTO section, it should look like this: [AUTO.A320] 1=Lua My320functions [AUTO.B789] 1=Lua My789functions So, I need to include the above functions as well in order to use the QW_OH_LT_Both_RWYTF_toggle function??? I thought the above function was to be use individually, that's why I left it out because I wasn't trying to turn them on individually, which is the case that is happening. Meaning, when I went back and included the missing functions and assigned Ctrl+F2 to the function you saw in my lua file, what ended up happening, it turned on/off the only Left Runway Turnoff light instead of turning on/off Both Runway Turnoff light as how I want it. The function name is copied correctly from the action file, so I don't know why the QW_OH_LT_Both_RWYTF_toggle function isn't working as its intended to do?
  6. Hello everyone, I'm having some trouble with the current version of FSUIPC for P3Dv5 when assigning key assignment for the QW 787. For example, when I assign the key Ctrl+F2 to toggle on/off the Runway turnoff lights and press it, nothing happens. Meaning, as I look up at the overhead to see if the function works, nothing happens. However, when I press Ctrl+F1 to toggle on/off strobes, that works. The issues continues when I try with the Taxi light as well when pressing Ctrl+F3. Any thoughts? FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.log My789functions.txt
  7. I don't know...try listing the lvars to see what is available. I did try using the Lvar function AB_WX_GCS_off replacing "GCS" with "PWS" and it works. Tried it a few times. I assume the function AB_WX_PWS_on and function AB_WX_PWS_toggle will work as well. function AB_WX_PWS_off () ipc.writeLvar("AB_WX_PWS", 0) AB_MPL_LightSwitch () DspShow ("PWS", "off") end
  8. So they should be present. However, if you are not using any of these (note that ipcReady.lua will always be started automatically) then you can remove the entries. However, do NOT change the index number of the scripts you are using (My320functions.lua) otherwise the assignments to this script will no longer work. Are you also using LINDA? If so, make sure that is installed and up-to-date. I don't have LINDA installed on new PC, so is it ok if I remove it?? How about the actions one? Should I remove that as well?? And if I understood correctly about the index number, if I did remove LINDA and actions, it should look like this below, right? [LuaFiles] 1=ipcReady 4=autopilot 5=approach 6=My320functions Going over my lua file last night, I made some updates has I had some key assignment missing (i.e. Ctl+F8) and after making the updates in my lua and ini files, everything now works as they should. Buttons on the joystick I haven't tried yet however I assume everything there is working as they should as well. Also, I wanted to know if there was an Lvar entry for the predictive windshear (PWS)?? For example, if I were to copy and replace the "GCS" with "PWS", will work FSUIPC recognize it that way if I were to add an assignment key (i.e. if I pressed CTL+F9 ), it could have the PWS switch go from AUTO to OFF?? function AB_WX_GCS_off () ipc.writeLvar("AB_WX_GCS", 0) AB_MPL_LightSwitch () DspShow ("GCS", "off") end
  9. Well, that's interesting. Does that section automatically in the .ini file?? If that part is in my ini file for P3Dv4.5, never experience any issues with it. Hmmm.... I'm surprised the name of the Joystick got changed. I think the new PC read it differently than what my old PC had read it. Remind me again, how do you debug them?? Its been a couple of years and I forgot how. Again, in my old PC, never had any issues so I like to think that it may be a different script?? I mean, new PC is Windows 11 and old PC is Windows 7, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. Wow, then something bad really happened when I made copy of my lua file from old PC into new PC because in my old PC, again, everything worked, no issues, no errors. All buttons on joystick, key assignments I pressed did what they were suppose to do in P3Dv4.5 (old PC). So naturally, I would assume that if I copied the same lua file into new PC (P3Dv5), everything should work as assigned. Thank you for correcting the ini file. Do I need to have any other file/program installed with FSUIPC6???
  10. Thanks for the reminder. In new PC, I did exactly that, putting my lua file in the installation folder ( C:\FSUIPC6 ) As for the other error below, I don't know what that is. Never had that error or encountered any issues when using P3Dv4.5 (perhaps the reason why it doesn't fully launch anymore, you know, showing my the menu where you select airplane, create flight plan, etc.) If you go back to the beginning of the thread, I provided both my .ini files for P3Dv4 and P3Dv5 and then you replied back in the next post with an updated .ini file to use in P3Dv5 in which I downloaded it and put in the FSUIPC folder. So I don't know where that VRI port error is coming from. I don't have that function in my lua file then again, I may have taken it out, forgetting the reason why. I've attached both lua files with the dates in the title name. I think what I did was I updated the lua and may have copied the wrong lua and placed it in the FSUIPC folder. The lua file that is working in P3Dv4 (error free when last check on 16May23) is the file name titiled My320functions (04062022). I'ma go back myself and take a look myself. In fact, the My320functions (04062022) lua, seems to work but I think I got some of my key assignments wrong, for example, Strobe lights not turning on, hmmm... Either way, I've attached the files below and a link to the FSIUPC6 log as well since the file was too big to upload here. FSUIPC6 log file My320functions (03272022).txt My320functions (04062022).txt FSUIPC6.ini
  11. Ok. I tried using the updated FSUIPC6.ini file you gave me. Again, opening up FSUIPC6, Buttons&Switches tab and putting check mark in the Profile specific? box, FSUIPC6 seems to recognize the profile I have "P3D A320" However, in the cockpit, pressing any of the assigned keys I have based off my "My320functions.lua" file (i.e. Ctrl + F7 to turn off Nose Light), nothing happens. I uninstalled FSUIPC6, deleted any folders/files left behind, restarted PC, re-installed FSUIPC6 and placed the updated .ini and My320functions.lua files in the "C:\FSUIPC6" folder, fired up P3Dv5 and opened up FSUIPC from the add-on menu within P3Dv5 and selecting my profile, again FSUIPC6 seems to recognize the profile and yet nothing happens. Going over the FSUIPC6 log, I see that there may be an error ( *** LUA Error: C:\FSUIPC6\My320functions.lua:191: Event proc not found ). I'm not sure if that's what causing the issue? That LUA file is actually in the C:\FSUIPC6 folder and I don't think the LUA file itself should not be an issue because that's the same LUA file is use in P3Dv4.5. I've attached it for your reference. Perhaps you'll find the error that I can't see. FSUIPC6.1.log My320functions.lua
  12. Thanks for the help. I will give it a try. My lua scripts "My320functions.lau" is already in the new PC. I have it in 3 different places (as seen below) because I mirrored it on how I have it on the other PC, that way FSUIPC is sure to read it. It may be a bit much, but at less I feel safe about it 😁 C:\Users\...\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6 C:\Users\....\Documents\FSUIPC6 C:\FSUIPC6
  13. Hello everyone, I'm having some trouble with the current version of FSUIPC for P3Dv5. Context: I have a new PC with P3Dv5.4 installed while I have another PC that has P3Dv4.5 on it. With the current FSUIPC installed on new PC, along with all the hardward (yoke, throttle, etc.) I copied the content in the FSUIPC.ini file that I had for P3Dv4.5 for the Aerosoft A320 professional and pasted it into the FSUIPC.ini for P3Dv.5. When I start up P3Dv5 and go to FSUIPC, go to the Buttons & Switches tab and select Profile specific? check box, FSUIPC seems to acknowledge the profile. However, the issue I'm currently having is, when I press a function key, for example, if I want to turn off the RWY Turn off lights, by pressing Ctrl + F6, it should turn off the light like it did in P3Dv4.5 yet nothing happens when I do it in P3Dv5. None of the inputs I do such as moving the yoke, throttle, joystick, I'm not seeing the movements made on the aircraft. Any thoughts? I know that the .ini for P3Dv4.5, the FSUIPC is out of date and perhaps the detection of my hardward (i.e. yoke, throttle, etc.) is missing, but that's intentional. The hardware is now connected to the new PC and I never bothered to update FSUIPC for P3Dv4.5 because earlier 2023, I was having trouble getting P3Dv4.5 work where it worked one day and all of sudden, it decided not to work. Presumably it a corrupt file somewhere and I wasn't going to figure it out even though I tried some of the troubleshoots to get P3Dv4.5 running. FSUIPC6 (for P3Dv5).ini FSUIPC6 (for P3Dv5).log FSUIPC6 (for P3Dv4).ini
  14. Hi John, I am having the same problem with the current version of FSUIPC6. For some reason, it is not reading my LUA file anymore after I made an update in it to allow me to turn off the Autobrake using one of the buttons on the joystick. Before I updated FSUPIC and added a function in the lua file, it was working fine. I've attached my .ini, lua and .log file (via the link below). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fEMhKrRpbhw-dReg0_JURfMN8TaMk9xB/view?usp=sharing FSUIPC6.ini My320functions.lua
  15. Thank you guys for taking the time to help me solve the issue I was having. I made the correction and things seems to be working now as they should. Always good to have a second pair of eyes to help point out what the problem is.
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