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Posts posted by Dennisss

  1. Good Morning,

    I had to have WIN 11 completely reinstalled last week, and I went through the ENTIRE install process to include FSUIPC7, I populated SIM-ACARS and the error msg is that it can't find FSUIPC7 or WideFS. Before the reinstalls, I had ZERO problems with FSUIPC7,

    This is the path for FSUIPC7...D:\FSUPIC7. As i said, it worked perfectly in the past, before the reinstall of WIN 11.

    Thank-you for your time,

    Dennis L Stanek

  2. Hi Volker,


    This issue started with AIRAC 2007. It just did not update even after running the DB Manager. Now, AIRAC 2008 is doing the same thing! What did *I* do wrong? 2006 installed correctly and is the last AIRAC that installed. In the AIRAC.ini file, it does in fact state AIRAC 2008.

    System is as follows:


    Intel Core, I5-4670

    CPU is 3.40 GHZ

    RAM 16.o GB

    OS-64 bit.




    I took some screen shots, but it won't allow me to send them.



  3. Sure Volker,

    I see that now that it is only distributed through two sources. I would love to upgrade to FSC 10.6, but there is no download link to Justflight. Only to Aerosoft and Sim Market.  I guess that I'll have to wait until out comes out on Just Flight as FSC 10.6 .


    I could not D/L it through Aerosoft and Sim Market because they wouldn't accept the type of credit card I have. It's my loss then:(

    I still absolutely love FSC 10.



  4. Hi Volker,


    I guess that would have been nice of me to let you know. I purchased FSC10. I reinstalled the DB manager yesterday, 5/21.

    I COMPLETELY uninstalled FSC10 and the DB Manager. Ran a registry cleaner, and re-installed it. NOW, it seems to be working as it should! I knew that the path would be chosen by the DB manager. 

    Thank yo so  much for your reply Volker,



  5. Hello Volker,

    I am pulling my hair our. I have combed the forum and Googled this problem. I can easily select the FSX path but not the scenery.cfg path. I can select C:Program Files/Microsoft Games/ Flight Simulator X path, That's as far as it will allow me to get. For some reason the folders Facilities, SceneryCache and Scenery indexes can't be populated. This is NOT the first time I have used the DB Manger. i have have FSC for YEARS with the DB Manager. I checked on the network and sharing, and all is well. When i first installed FSC10, the DB Manager was correct and BOTH paths were correct. I again attempted to use it and EVERYTHING was wrong. Both paths did NOT exist and I had to re-select the paths. That's when the problem started.

    System is as follows:

    Manufacturer-Cybertron PC

    Processor-Intel Core i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40 Ghz (An old system, but it works great)

    RAM-16.0 Gig

    OS-64 bit

    NVIDIA Ge Force 660 graphics card






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