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  1. I decreased the addition parameter to 5200 and the spoilers fully retracted. I didn't notice any reduction with spoiler extension so I don't think there's any need to adjust the multiplier. So far, I have done two of the three aircraft. In one the profile info was stored in an aircraft name.ini file in the Profiles folder; with the other aircraft, the profile info was inserted into the FSUIPC4.ini file. I have no idea what I did to cause the profile info to be added to two different locations. It must have been things I clicked on or didn't click on when I checked the Profile Specific box on the Axis Assignment page. I searched "Profile Specific" in the User Guide and Advanced guide but could not find the answer. What do you think I did differently for each aircraft?
  2. Once I decrease the addition parameter to a value that fully retracts the spoilers and I need to adjust the multiplier, will adjusting the multiplier cause me to have to readjust the addition parameter? Also... every time I make a change, do I need to restart FSX? Restart the flight? Reload the aircraft?
  3. Yes, I did read the section on Axis Assignments. It’s rather complex & I’ve spent a couple of hours on this so your patience and help is much appreciated. I did everything you said to do in your last post and the spoilers are now working the full range of the lever. But… the spoilers are not completely retracting when the lever is in the down (0%) position. How do I tweak this entry so the spoilers retract all the way? CZ,256,F,66382,0,0,0,*0.6428227,+5851 -{ TO SIM: AXIS_SPOILER_SET }-
  4. I did not manually change that parameter to 5851; it changed to 5851 after I entered the ,*0.6428227,+5851 code. Perhaps I’m doing things out of order. Here are the steps I took: 1. I deleted the 737 profile and started from scratch. Here are the steps I took: 2. In the Axis Assignment window I selected “Spoilers” from the dropdown list and selected Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration 3. Went to Joystick Calibration p.6 & & checked Profile Specific 4. Set the calibration for the Spoilers (-16384; -500; +16255) 5. Closed FSX SE 6. Added the ,*0.6428227,+5851 code to the 737.ini profile 7. Opened FSX SE & checked the Spoiler Joystick Calibration settings and they appeared like in the image above. I did not press the Set button to change it to 5851. 8. I set the far right positive parameter from 5851 back to 16255 9.Checked to see if the spoilers worked but they behaved the same; no movement until about the 40% mark. 10.Went back to check 737.ini profile and the added code was missing. The files you requested are attached. FSUIPC4.ini FSUIPC4.log 737.ini
  5. Adding the scaling parameter lowered the position the lever has to be in to activate the spoiler but not by much. I still have to raise the lever up about 40%. I've attached a screen shot showing the settings when the lever is in the position (40% up) where the spoilers start to extend.
  6. I have a Logitech G Saitek PRO Flight Throttle Quadrant and have successfully set up FSUIPC to have one of the axis levers control the spoilers in three stock FSX SE aircraft. On the Learjet, the lever is behaving as expected, giving me full incremental spoiler extension from -16384 to +16384. However, with the 737 & CRJ700, the spoiler doesn’t start to extend until -4681. Is there a way to calibrate the spoilers in those two aircraft so spoiler extension starts as soon as I start moving the lever up? Right now, the spoilers on the 737 & CRJ700 don’t start extending until the lever is 1/3 of the way up. I’m using FSUIPC4 v4.977 on a Windows 10 desktop.
  7. Before installing the throttle quadrant I had FSX controllers disabled. Apparently, when you add a new controller, FSX automatically enables controllers. That's what happened when I added the throttle quadrant. Once I disabled controllers, I was able to easily assign the throttle without a reverse zone.
  8. I just got a Logitech throttle quadrant which is a rebranded/renamed Saitek quadrant. It has a detent at the bottom of the throttle and if you pull it down further it activates a switch. The throttle levers are marked with a 0-100 scale above the detent. Right now, idle is at the 50 mark and below that it goes into reverse mode. I would like the throttle not to go into reverse below 50; just a full range forward throttle from 0-100. I found an old post on this subject and Pete said “In the 4 throttles calibration tab check the NRZ (no reverse zone) option -- do this before calibration.” I’m only going to use one throttle lever for all engines; I’m not going to assign the other levers to other engines. In Axis Assignment, I set up “Throttle” to “Send Direct to FSUIPC Calibration”. In Joystick Calibration, I went to the 4 throttles page, moved the throttle and none of the In/Out numbers moved. So I went to page one, moved the throttle, saw the throttle In/Out numbers move and selected Map to 4 throttles. Back on the 4 throttle page the No Reverse Zone box was grayed out. When I clicked Min Set on Throttle 1, the NRZ box became available and I selected it before calibrating like Pete said to do. Following the directions in the user guide, I pulled the throttle down to “0” and pressed the Min Set button. The value said -16384. I then moved the throttle up to 100 and pressed the maximum Set button which gave a reading of +16383. It would seem that with NRZ selected, the min should be 0. The throttle used 50 as the idle point. What am I missing? The .ini and log files are attached. Using FSX-SE with FSUIPC v4.977. FSUIPC4.ini FSUIPC4.log
  9. Thanks for the clarification. The hat switch is working fine now. Well that’s simply not true. I am familiar with how FSUIPC works, albeit not an expert like you. I used FSUIPC for many years before purchasing the registered version a few years ago. I would say I have figured out 95% of what I needed from FSUIPC on my own. I do read the manual before posting but sometimes what we read in the manual doesn’t work or we need further assistance. Here’s a good example: I figured out how to assign the throttle slider on my joystick and wanted to calibrate it. I found this in the User Guide’s “Easy Step-by-Step Way to Calibrate Your Controls”: 2. Move the control for this axis and verify that the values for IN and OUT are changing. If they aren’t, then you’ve either got the wrong control or your configuration is wrong (in FS’s CFG file or its Options-Controls-Assignments). The values wouldn’t change when I moved the joystick throttle control so I went into the FSX Options-Settings-Controls-Control Axes and deleted the Throttle axis assignment but that didn't fix the problem. Not sure I even had to do that since controllers are disabled. And I wasn’t sure what to do with the fsx.cfg file. Turns out I found the solution on the avsim forum. I hadn’t selected “Send direct to FSUIPC calibration”. I’m finding that if I’m having trouble finding a solution in the user manual, a Google search is likely to direct me to a post on your forum or another sim forum that solves the issue. John, FSUIPC is a wonderful addition to my FSX experience. We appreciate your patience in helping us navigate a very robust and complex FSX addon.
  10. I did that and only the pan up button is working in a very jerky fashion. I've attached a screenshot of the Axis tab. I also attached my very latest .ini file. Controllers are disable. In the Joystick Calibration tab, I see the Throttle section. Is that what you're talking about? I'm trying to figure these things out on my own. In this case I opened the Advanced User guide and did a search for "Throttle". Nothing came up regarding Throttle assigning or calibration. Where do I find the instructions on how to do this? When I click on either of the two set buttons and move the joystick throttle lever, nothing changes; all four numeric parameters remain at zero. FSUIPC4.ini
  11. With controllers disabled in FSX, the throttle on the joystick is not working so it needs to be programmed via FSUIPC, no? I need to assign the joystick throttle lever to control the engine throttle. On the FSX Buttons/Keys assignment page, there are 8 different throttle settings, none of which are assigned to the joystick. So I have no idea how the throttle is assigned in FSX. Perhaps since it’s a Microsoft joystick, it connects automatically in the background. So is there a way to assign the joystick throttle lever in FSUIPC? The joystick hat switch shows up as 4 switches in FSUIPC: #32 top switch #34 right switch #36 bottom switch #38 left switch If I read your instructions correctly, I needed to assign “Pan View” to one of those four switches and the “and the others will be assigned automatically”. That did not happen. I assigned #34 to Pan View and it did pan the view to the right, but the three other switches were not automatically assigned. So I assigned each of the four switches as follows: #32 Pan Up #34 Pan Right #36 Pan Down #38 Pan Left I checked the “Control to repeat while held” because I like to smoothly pan around the cockpit like a camera on a tripod. Using the FSX assignment, the pan is silky smooth. But when using FSUIPC assignments, whether it’s Pan View or the various Pan Up-Right-Down-Left assignments, there’s a slight delay to when the pan starts and when it does pan, the movement is jerky. I sure wish we could figure out why I can’t have assignments in both places anymore. I’ve been able to do this for many years until about 10 days ago.
  12. I was able to program the joystick hat switch but can't figure out how to program the little throttle lever on the joystick.
  13. OK I made all the changes you suggested and all button problems have been solved. The vast majority of assignments you see in my .ini file are for the Honeycomb yoke. There are 3-4 assignments for my SideWinder joystick. I've been using the FSX interface to control the SideWinder hat switch and throttle & the Honeycomb hat switch. It looks like I need to use FSUIPC to control the SideWinder throttle and hat switch + the Honeycomb hat switch, correct? Any tips before I look at the FSUIPC manual and figure out how to do this? -Greg FSUIPC4.ini FSUIPC4.log F18.ini Legacy.ini
  14. If I install over my current version will my .ini files be overwritten whereby losing all my settings? If it does overwrite my settings I have my .ini files backed up.
  15. I use the Selection Increase & Selection Decrease mainly for zooming views in and out. To activate a Selection Increase/Decrease for a view, all you have to do is click on the view. The Selection Decrease button is working just fine. BTW since my initial post I also noticed that when use a button I've programed for moving a view up (to raise pilot's seat), it also moves the flaps one notch. So my problem is beyond just one switch. I was able to program Honeycomb yoke switch #8 for “Selection Increase” (Key press =+) using the Settings/Controls/Buttons-Keys window directly in FSX-SE and it worked fine. That means there's nothing wrong with the yoke. At this point I think I should take your suggestion and move up to version 4.977. I will make sure to delete the test I made within FSX-SE I mentioned in the 1st sentence of this paragraph. I couldn't find any documentation on your website or the regular/advanced user guides as to how to execute an upgrade. I searched using the word "upgrade". Do you advise deleting the entire FSUIPC4 folder or should I install over it? Can I save my current FSUIPC4.ini file and copy it into the new version or do I have to manually program each switch from scratch? I'm attaching my current FSUIPC4.ini file in case you want to take a look at it to see if you see any issues relating to buttons. Thanks! FSUIPC4.ini
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