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Everything posted by MELKOR

  1. Thanks John. I have tried this, and while it does make things better, it's imperfect (no fault of Pete's, by the way - he's doing the best he can in a tough situation). I believe the only way this can be properly solved is to have ACES fix their algorithm. Being a professional developer myself, I even have some concrete ideas on how ACES can improve things. What we need to do is convince ACES that (a) their algroithm is buggy (and my data will certainly help with that!), and (b) it's impacting alot of users. Then, I think we may see some action. - Bill
  2. Hi Pete, I wrote a little SimConnect program a couple weeks back, and have been collecting data on how poorly FSX SP1 smooths weather changes. I understand that you have been (or will be) talking to the ACES folks about this - so, if you would like my data to add to your ammunition, please let me know. Here are some notes on what I have found: 1) Occasional large wind direction deltas are by far the biggest problem. Sophisticated models (PMDG 747X, for example) are - understandably - really thrown for a loop! 2) Rarely, I see wind velocity deltas of > 5 knots in one second. 3) Temperature and pressure smoothing seems to work fairly well. Thanks, - Bill Ruppel
  3. Hi Pete! Yes, the Substring setting seems to work fine...thank you for the fine addition!! - Bill
  4. Pete, While ShortAircraftNameOk is a great feature, I have a suggestion to make it even better. :wink: What I really care about is the aircraft TYPE (i.e. 737, 747, etc) when I'm matching aircraft to a particular configuration. Unfortunately, the aircraft title (as listed in aircraft.cfg, and which FSUIPC seems to key on) varies wildly by vendor (and even _within_ a vendor! - for example, PMDG). My suggestion is: create a new .ini setting to allow ShortAircraftNameOk to perform a _substring_ search within the title. Now, fortunately, I do have a viable workaround: I have edited all of my aircraft.cfg files such that have a consistent title prefix. Let me know what you think... Thanks! - Bill
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