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Everything posted by Garcez

  1. Good afternoon, I use FSUIPC7 v7.2.09 together with SmartCars. I would like to know if you know anything about the cruising altitude that FSUIPC or SmartCars are no longer reporting. If there is a problem with the MSFS2020 or if there is any solution to re-enter the cruise altitude. Thank you very much for any information provided.
  2. Good morning, I use FSUIPC7 together with smartcars, and after the latest MSFS update it doesn't report cruising altitude anymore. When I get to cruising altitude he keeps telling me that I'm still climbing.
  3. I found these three ".log" files, I hope it worked. http://www.mediafire.com/file/apeazu06anyv1xb/file
  4. I haven't tested it without using smartcars. As I said, the normal fps is 50 but it drops to 30 in a second and returns to 50 fps. I will try to activate the log, I have to find out how.
  5. I'm trying to explain it in a simple way, that's why I used the term "stuttering". I'm only using smartcars connected to the FSUIPC7, nothing more. The "stutter" I say is a rapid FPS drop, for example my FPS is 50, sometimes it drops abruptly to 30 FPS and returns the same way to 50 FPS. This happens repeatedly.
  6. I have a stuttering, I don't know if it's because of FSUIPC7 or because of simconnect. With other applications that connect to simconnect there is no stuttering.
  7. Thank you.
  8. Would it be possible to make a version of FSUIPC7 just to connect with SmartCARS? In other words, a version of FSUIPC with less resources communicating with Simconnect.dll. Carlos Garcez
  9. Yes, but in which folder within Microsoft Flight Simulator? https://prnt.sc/u2yhxq
  10. I use the MFS2020 Steam version, and I have no idea where to save flight plans. It would be very good to solve this mystery.
  11. Sorry for the question.
  12. My MSF2020 is steam and in the Steam folder there is a SimConnect.dll, this also serves or has to be the SDK folder? https://prnt.sc/u2835c
  13. Yes is the problem with SimConnect.
  14. I am experiencing a 50% drop in FPS using FSUIPC7. Now I don't know if the problem is with FSUIPC7 or SimConnect.dll
  15. I am experiencing a 50% drop in FPS using FSUIPC7. Now I don't know if the problem is with FSUIPC7 or SimConnect.dll
  16. Is there a link to download SimConnect.dll?
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