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Enrico Schiratti

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Everything posted by Enrico Schiratti

  1. I tried some aircraft, and it seems the VOR frequencies are not populated with defaults once the simulator starts up. Ciao Enrico
  2. Just as a note, offset 0x870 behaves differently from its predecessor sims. To make it work as before, I have to subtract the magnetic variation. It could be an incorrectly interpreted SimConnect variable error. I corrected it in my code, but just a note should it change in the future. Ciao Enrico
  3. Yes thank you, that fixed it. Works beautifully.
  4. Reboot Fixed it.
  5. I must be doing something wrong... This is with the update and I am quite sure that no other instance is running.
  6. > Is it fair to say that not making simconnect and FSUIPC work together well would be detrimental to the creation of a flourishing addon ecosystem? Absolutely, but it worked just fine with the beta, the release brought in these issues.
  7. I remain an optimist.
  8. By the way, Discord is super... really like it and it reminds me of Compuserve in several ways.
  9. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/known-issues-last-modified-8-26-2020/128064 From where I sit 😉, it is at the very top of the list... the known issues tracker has not been updated. OlieTsubasa443 Community Manager To view top issues affecting the community and their current status, visit our Known Issues Tracker 1.4k. Please find below a list of other known issues. SimConnect: We are aware of an issue where using Simconnect is causing stutters and performance issues. We’ll keep you updated. DOWNLOAD & INSTALLATION ISSUES Stuck on the blue bar/no loading Stuck on “Press a key to continue” Error message “The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect” If you have any of the issues above Please click here 448 Audio issues No sound with bluetooth devices 17: To avoid this, set the Default Device and Default Communications Device in the recording tab to a standalone microphone or a webcam Stuttering audio 16: Make sure your version of Windows 10 meets the requirements (Windows 10 Version 1909 or higher) Loading a flight session at BIKF Keflavik airport will result into a Crash to Desktop The team is aware of the situation "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect" [SOLVED] The issue that prevented users to start the installation process on the Windows Insider Build should now be fixed. Please update to the latest Windows Insider Dev Channel Build (Build 20197 or higher). Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20197 13
  10. It has been confirmed that it is an issue. Your ACARS is probably just sipping droplets of data via the 32-bit SimConnect compared to all the things FSUIPC has to do.
  11. I am also confused. I had to call my son to explain discord to me. Then there is all sorts of other forums Proudly I will say, as I have deserved my long life... things used to be much simpler back on Compuserve! Either way, it seems that things are moving towards the https://forums.flightsimulator.com/ ...
  12. I have money on that being the reason.
  13. Just wondering, does it make sense to mess around with the SimConnect XML?
  14. So far it looks quite good. No big issues. Just doing other stuff while SimConnect gets sorted out.
  15. This is even better: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/forward-view-no-instrument-solution-plus-walkaround-for-every-plane/197291/2 Simple and effective. And the lights still work.
  16. I am sure I deserve it. LOL I managed to get full screen outside view somehow. For instance, for the A320 (make a backup) go to your installation folder and navigate to Official\OneStore\asobo-aircraft-a320-neo\SimObjects\AirPlanes\Asobo_A320_NEO\model Edit model.cfg, set interior= to nothing. Then, if you load the aircraft, you will still see the window frames and wipers going nutso. Only way I found so far to avoid that is to rename one file, for instance A320_NEO_LOD06.bin_donotuse files. Launch the sim… I flew a bit, did not see any ill-effects so far. But I hope it will be just a simple option in the future.
  17. Truth! I can't believe I actually signed up to a forum. Excellent work by John and Peter... whenever the SimConnect fixes arrive, they will arrive. Right now it is sufficient to test FSUIPC settings on the ground, and it is looking rather good.
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