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  1. Thanks - I actually needed it for QualityWings 787 and was testing the FSUIPC feature. The list feature was helpful and I was able to get it to work. Unfortunately for me I'm trying to fly from the right side and the plane seems to be designed to be flown from the left seat - many right seat LVARS are not there. Thanks.
  2. The feature works as advertised. You just have to make sure the LVAR is listed in the "List local panel variables" log. Thanks.
  3. Thanks. I created a text file test.mcro [Macros] 1=L:EVT_OH_ICE_WING_ANTIICE=Set,1 Then in the fsuipc gui - I assigned the key 'x' to the above. In logging, I can see the x press is being processed - but the wing anti-ice switch is not being set. I've got the PMDG 737 loaded and I believe that's a correct LVAR. But if you can suggest a common LVAR - I can try that also. I also assigned a different key to “List local panel variables” - and nothing prints for the PMDG 737. I tried the built-in mooney and it does print a few. Always appreciate your speedy and on point responses.
  4. I've got the Dreamliner 787 for P3D4. I see they very thoughtfully included a developer file with a lot of LVARS - i.e. names - but no offsets. Now what do I do??? I've got FSUIPC6 installed. I'd like to set or toggle a few LVARS.
  5. Thanks. My understanding is FSUIPC is built on top of Simconnect. Right? So SimConnect - published by MS - is the lowest level interface to the sim itself. Is that the only interface to the sim? For example in Xplane, you can have plug-ins that seem to interface more directly.
  6. I'm familiar with writing plugins using SimConnect for P3D. Has that API changed much on MS2020 - e.g. Can I port over my plugin for P3D w/ minimal issues. I wrote the code for a FMS for PMDG 737 and I'd like to use it on MS2020 now. Where should one start starting into this - MS2020 sdk? Where? Thanks.
  7. Thank you. Where is this doc. I went into the P3D 4 PMDG folder under sdk and don't see this info I see the SDK manual dated 27FEB15 and also a C header file
  8. Can FSUIPC be configured to log some offsets specific to PMDG 737. I'm trying to monitor the engine thrust lever movement. Looking for offsets when the autothrottle or user moves to a new position. Any help finding the appropriate offsets appreciated.
  9. Sorry if I wasn't clear. Yes most probably my lua code will be without a window. My question is - when I edit the lua file - how can I force a reload. "Or to just kill it" - how do I do that without reloading P3D. "you can also use the provided control" - where is this control?
  10. I'll look at lua.org Few responses ago - you wrote on edit of a lua file - i could stop and restart the lua file. for this particular FPS_monitor.lua file - it seems to be just close the window. What if the lua file has no window?
  11. Hallejulah - finally getting somewhere. I appreciate your help very much - but really some simple docs for the total noob would save them and yourself quite a bit of time. maybe even add the above ipc.display lua file in the example folder renamed like - test.lua or first.lua or something similar. ok - now i can proceed towards learning lua and serial i/o. i understand fsuipc is using it's own lua processor and api - where should i look besides the 2 pdf files in the docs. Thanks again.
  12. My goal is to communicate with my arduino and i think you suggested lua. i downloaded fsuipc 6.0.10 and installed it - and registered. copied the test LUA files to the add-ons folder and am just trying to get lua up and running. getting above error. the lua snippet above is the entire lua file and it's in [Auto] of the fsuipc.ini file and yes i guess it's being run when the scenario for the plane is loaded. ok now i need wideFS you say - i installed it, ran wideclient and then when p3d runs - it says another p3d program is already running. version 7.159.
  13. some progress... i see there's a log file for both lua files. my test.lua is h = display.create("Jason Fayre Display", 8, 800, 400) display.show(h, 8, "hello") in the test.txt file - i've got the following error message. `** LUA Error: ...\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\test.lua:2: attempt to index global 'display' (a nil value)`
  14. After consulting with the internet - I've got [Auto.Mooney Bravo] 1=Lua MyDisplay 2=Lua test in the ini file. I restarted p3D - still no joy.
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