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  1. when i let windows look for updates, it does not progress past V2004. could be a regional thing, as my device language/location is set to NL
  2. i have not yet had the 2010 update of windows. however, i have done a bios update since then, and it appears to have solved the issue, as i have now played for 1.5 hours straight without crashing. thus it appears to have been a bios issue of some sorts
  3. thank you for the help for now. i don't assume it'll be hardware related, as this is the only program i'm having issues with. i'll contact the developers via the link, s i was under the assumption that they were checking here as it is linked on their site as support.
  4. - win 10 pro version 2004 build 19041.610 - DX 12 - i have the latest update for my devices - game files have been verified, did not fix it, neither did reinstalling via steam - game is started as admin, by marking it as always start as admin via the properties of the .exe - i do not have citrix products installed. only MS office stuff.
  5. i've just bought the game today. this is the only program i'm running into issues with. i've not done a reinstall i7-9700K, 32GB, GTX 1660TI (6GB)
  6. game keeps crashing after about 10-20 minutes. i am running it in admin mode and have a fully up to date windows. i have the traffic and color add-ons for the default airports, on which i am playing crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt
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