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Everything posted by Golf-Uniform-Yankee

  1. Super!!! It is now doing keys as I want - I didn't see the "Select for Preset" checkbox but that opened up all the presets I was looking for, so many thanks. I updated to v7.4.0 yesterday, I bought FSUIPC7 earlier in the year but not have got stuck into it until now as I'm considering getting a 3D Printer to make myself a Trim Wheel and that got me thinking about my own version of the "Knobster". I have years of experience programming Windows (C++/C#) but have not done any coding since 2007 and also had 5 strokes since then but I want to get my head around interfacing with MSFS/X-Plane i.e. events, presets, WASM etc. Do you have any pointers/online resources to such? Many thanks again, Guy
  2. Hi John and many thanks for the info. By "preset" I assume you mean what I am referring to as "an event"? I've been an avionics software engineer IRL since 1987 so am well-versed in object-orientated thinking and terminology!!! Anyway, I have now successfully mapped joystick buttons on my Saitek Throttle Quad to the "AS1000 PFD 1 FMS Inner" event with +1/-1 as the parameter - perfect, I can see how this will work with a Rotary Encoder 😊 However, I do not see the same "AS1000 PFD 1 FMS Inner" event listed under the "Control sent when keys pressed" drop-down when trying to assign a key to the same event/preset? I should mention I am trying to use keys for the AS1000 PFD 1 FMS Inner/Outer events purely to make my life easier until I have the necessary hardware in place, I find it difficult to use my mouse to manipulate the knobs due to my appalling eyesight thanks to the strokes I have had, so I'm trying to assign keys to the FMS Inner and Outer increase/decrease events. Regards, Guy
  3. Hi all, Help!!! I'm new to FSUIPC7, have purchased it and am giving it a go to see what opportunities it opens up as I am considering building/printing some cockpit parts for myself such as a Trim Wheel, Autopilot Panel and pseudo-G1000 Panel. I've worked out how to use keyboard assignments in FSUIPC7 to trigger the Com Radio knob inner and outer (whole/fractional) dials and I can see how I can use my Leo Bodnar BU0836A joystick interface (that I have in my Saitek Yoke for pitch/roll axes) and a Dual Concentric Rotary Encoder for a Com tuning knob - great, super, just what I want. I also what to use another Dual Concentric Rotary Encoder for the G1000's Dual FMS Knob (bottom right knob) but I can't see any events in FSUIPC7 to assign to, there are a load of events starting "G1000 Mfd" and "G1000 Pfd" but these don't seem to be doing anything, I've tried most of the Mfd/Pfd buttons (ENT, CLR, Softkeys etc) in the default C172 with dual G1000s but none are doing anything "in sim", i.e. I don't see any buttons getting pressed. What events in FSUIPC7 do I need to "map" to? Regards, Guy
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