Mostly making sure that everything was the latest version, run installers and programs as admin and followed the suggestions on this thread ( ) which looked like the problem I have, but no luck on that.
I used a docking station for the Surface Pro which I'm running FSX on since it has only one usb port (USB3 I guess, it's pretty recent), but that was way before the problem happened. In fact nothing at all was connected to the laptop when I had this issue.
By switching to USB2 do you mean to phisically change the port or is it something that I do via software?
I use a Saitek joystick and Mobiflight with an Arduino Mega connected for a DIY MCP that I'm trying to build for the PMDG737. But as said before none of them were connected at the moment the issue arose. It worked properly until a few days ago then I left the laptop alone for a while and when I tried to start FSX again I had this message out of the blue. I am really not an expert, so pretty clueless on what to do. Also no idea why it says "XBOX 360 For Windows" since I've never owned an XBOX (or XBOX controller) in my life only Saitek AV8R and the Pro Flight Yoke, Throttle, Rudder and the Panels 😅
Thanks for help