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Everything posted by fjgaspar

  1. I have managed tu use a key to activate/deactivate FLC. The trick was that you have to select a target altitude to be able to activate FLC. After assign a key to FLC activate/deactivate, I have assigned that press key to a button in my panel (I use mobiflight for that). Don't work, the press on the button doesn't have any effect. So I am afraid I will have to wait till microsoft stablishes an offset writeable for that, the same way it does with V/S or HDG modes.
  2. Thanks. Definitively, there is a bug with FLC mode. I have set a key in the sim to activate/deactivate, and it doesn't work. If I assing the key to activate/deactivate HDG, VS, or whatever other mode, it works. But FLC only works if I press the button with the mouse.
  3. Hi, I am building a DIY Autopilot Panel and I have two issues: One is normal, and there is no solution because it seems MSFS doesn't have implemented yet: when in the Cessna 172 G1000 I press the vnav button, no FSUIPC event is written in console, so there is no way to assign a panel button to VNAV, until Asobo populates both input and status. But for the FLC button, the thing changes: if I press FLC in Cessna, an event (I don't remember the number) is recorded, and the offset 0x0B49 is changed from 0 to 1 when activate the mode. I then read the content of that offset and light a led when 1, and turn off when 0. The problem is, I assing that event to a button press on my panel. So I press that button and FSUIPC console records the event (I see the event arrive to the console). But the FLC doesn't activate in cessna (the help text when I pass the mouse over tells 'Activate FLC), and the offset 0x0B49 doesn't change the state. I cannot understand why the same event produces different results when sent from the plane than when sent from the outside panel. It is the only event I have seen this to happen. I wonder if it is again, lack of development in MSFS side or something I am doing wrong.
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