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Everything posted by carlosheviad@gmail.com

  1. Indeed John, read with Fsuipc an S16 the value is correct, an U16 is not Thank you
  2. Thanks again John, I was so anxious with the answer that I did not pay attention to who answered me, sorry, now I understand perfectly what is happening and I will try to remedy it Thank you
  3. Thanks Pete for the quick reply I am programming my cocpit for Prepard 3D V5 with FSuipc 6 with Sioc scripts, the positive values are correctly received, from 0 to 16384, but when passing the negative sign, (if I send -1 it receives 0), (if I send -2 it receives 65535 positives), (- 3 = 65532) Thanks Pete
  4. Good morning Pete If I send a value of -4096 to activate the reversals to offset 0x088C, I see that the value it actually receives is positive 61441, what am I doing wrong? thank you very much
  5. Sorry I'm very clueless, thanks anyway, I'll look for other forums Thank you Carlos
  6. Thank you very much Pete for your immediate attention, it seems reasonable, I will do two things, on the one hand I attach the script with the assignments here and on the other I will pass the query to the PM forum. Thank you very much again for your reply. Carlos MCP.txt
  7. First of all, sorry for my English, I use the Google translator. Second, thanks to all of you who make it possible, with your patience, for my cockpit737 to work. Third to the matter: In the IAS / MACH display of the Opencockpits MCP, with Project Magenta and its corresponding SIOC script, everything works correctly except for the IAS / Mach encoder which, from what can be seen on the Display, jumps in the digits and some are lost, that is, they are not displayed, making the process of establishing a certain speed very slow and imprecise, I have read something about a possible loss of encoder pulses due to speed, the only parameter that we have in Sioc In the Encoder configuration, it is the acceleration one, I have tried different values but it does not seem to be the solution. I should add, that I use Fsuipc 6 (latest version) Registered with Prepar3D V5. and that the same Encoder works perfectly with the HDG, Course etc. etc. I know that the information I provide may be insufficient, but it is about starting somewhere. I appreciate any help or suggestion that can improve the performance of the IAS / Mach encoder. Thank you so much. Carlos
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