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Everything posted by 777GE90

  1. Ok thanks for checking. Out of interest, what is the FSUIPC update for PMDG offets for exactly? Have you partnered with PMDG to get special offsets for their custom functionality? Or are you specifically finding new memory addresses for PMDG aircrafts yourself and then introducing offsets for them? Was curious as was thinking if you are partnering with PMDG then perhaps they can introduce a custom offset for this if it's not possible via simconnect / events?
  2. Hello, I am hoping someone can help me. Has anyone managed to figure out how to get FSUIPC to detect a PMDG 737 pushback when it's done via the PMDG FMC (perhaps another offset I can try?) Or is this something for their developers to fix? I did post a thread on PMDG but no response: https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/pmdg-737-for-msfs/188112-pushback-not-detected-by-fsuipc
  3. That's exactly what I needed, thanks!
  4. Hello, I've used FSUIPC for many years, so much so that I have transitioned from FSX to P3D and now MSFS and it's awesome that most of the functionality just works without me having to make code changes. However, these simulator platforms are just different enough that I need to start being able to automatically distinguish which simulator is being used and have different functionality for it. Does FSUIPC have a way of telling you which simulator it is running on? For example, MSFS, P3D, FSX, X-Plane, etc? I just need a way of finding out.
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