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Everything posted by DakotaPilot

  1. Okay. It appears that the exe doesn't look at the path but has to be in the same directory as the file. The desktop shortcut has not only the full path for the parameter but it seems to ignore the path part of the parameter and only look for the filename. Since the desktop shortcut has a working directory defined it moves to it, then looks for the file. At least that's what I think is happening. Anyway, I'll create a script to move to that directory and then execute those commands. Thanks for the help.
  2. I've got it set up for quotes around it all so I'll try that first. If that fails I'll go back and no quotes on the part with the exe but around the parameter part. Thanks.
  3. I was assuming the second portion containing the JSON file was a parameter to the first part with the exe hence my confusion. There were no spaces in the path but I include them out of habit working with various systems that sometimes get snarky when handling spaces.
  4. Ahh. Quotes on the entire string as in aua668 reply. I had quotes around each section - the exe path and the parameter - and just around the parameter but not around the whole thing. To clarify it for me. the manual (advanced) shows quotes around a path and around the parameter - each has it's own set of quotes but from what I see here you have to quote the exe and it's path along with any parameters - all in one set of quotes? Thanks. I'll try it shortly. So those are Windows return codes then, not FSUIPC. No wonder they weren't in the FSUIPC manual <G>!
  5. -I've used the Programs section of the FSUIPC ini file to run some programs and it works well. I am now trying to run another program but keep ending up with an error 237. the entries in the Program section are. I'm on FSUIPC 6. Run2=READY,CLOSE,C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\FS-Keypad.exe C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\Keypads\303df744-c367-4681-a409-4ac2f187b39e.json Run3=READY,CLOSE,C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\FS-Keypad.exe C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\Keypads\d221813d-fb88-4233-a6c6-c7491de17616.json and the fsuipc.log has this in it. 31437 FSUIPC couldn't run: "C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\FS-Keypad.exe C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\Keypads\303df744-c367-4681-a409-4ac2f187b39e.json" [Error=267] 31437 FSUIPC couldn't run: "C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\FS-Keypad.exe C:\NAME\Brett\AppData\Local\FS-Keypad\Keypads\d221813d-fb88-4233-a6c6-c7491de17616.json" [Error=267] If I run the command (minus the Runx=READY,CLOSE,) in a command window it works perfectly and brings up the window. I've tried to locate the error codes in the FSUIPC documentation but didn't find them. I must be doing something wrong but just can't find it. Based on the documentation and other posts dealing with the Programs section this should work.
  6. I understand and it won't get any better for sure. It's a fantastic program for sure. I keep finding it can do things in P3D I never dreamed of! I wanted to ask anyway as it's something X-Plane needs desperately but it's a lot of time and effort for someone to put in and then maintain support for it (that's the time eater!). Thanks. I'll just use it in P3D and eventually MSFS once I get time to actually fly in MSFS and not just setup on the ramp.
  7. I know XUIPC exists, well it is in a dormat state since it's not really supported. I use FSUIPC6 and 7 (since 4) and have for years back into the early FS sims. The program is pure genius and the more I use it the more I love it. I'm currently using it to connect Air Manager to Opus FSI for views in P3Dv5 so I can create a button panel on my monitor to simply select views. FSUIPC has so much power. However, I also fly X-Plane and it desperately needs FSUIPC (XUIPC does not count). I hope at some point you consider porting it but I know that's a total change of sims and a lot of work but many will be grateful and buy it! I know you may never consider it but I can at least ask you to consider it. If you ever do I'll be glad to test it.
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