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    Fort Collins, Colorado USA

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  1. All, Just noticed this thread, and wanted to comment that I have very similar hardware (PFC Cirrus II, circa 2000 with only serial port input/output), acquired from a government auction from a local community college aviation school (they were selling 3 of their older flight simulators). With a bit of reading and experimentation, I have been successful with interfacing to MSFS and Pete and John's FSUIPC with the serial port version of the PFC add-on. As you noted, not everything works perfectly, but am hoping that I can resolve these (minor) issues (such as not able to get the cowl flaps switch to be recognized) via the 'advanced' users capabilities and adding additional scripts (LUA, etc.). Thanks for posting the cable configuration picture (I hadn't seen that). We should stay in touch. George Winski (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)
  2. John, Here, as well as on your announcements page, you describe v7.2.0 as 'beta', however on the official software page (where to get the software), it is posted, but not listed as 'beta'. As I'm still a bit of a nooby with your software (although I expect to gain knowledge over time), I've been reluctant to update my (purchased) FSUIPC software until you have released a new, fully tested, version (non-beta). Is v7.2.0 no longer 'beta'? Thanks
  3. John, Here, as well as on your announcements page, you describe v7.2.0 as 'beta', however on the official software page (where to get the software), it is posted, but not listed as 'beta'. As I'm still a bit of a nooby with your software (although I expect to gain knowledge over time), I've been reluctant to update my (purchased) FSUIPC software until you have released a new, fully tested, version (non-beta). Is v7.2.0 no longer 'beta'? Thanks
  4. Oh, this is working so well! Lots of work ahead of me, and I'm sure I'll have some esoteric question down the road, but I've been able to confirm that just about all the hardware works, and I'm on my way!! Thanks again
  5. Thanks, John and Pete - I'll download a Baron or other twin prop and hopefully all will be good in the world!
  6. Hi, Nooby here, trying to install FSUIPC7 (version 7.0.5) for MSFS(2020), along with PFCcom64, in order to interface with my old PFC hardware (com, not USB). This is all a new installation for me (restarting the hobby in retirement with a dedicated PC and HW for the simulator. Acquired the PFC hardware through a government auction from a community college flight school). I believe I have successfully installed FSUIPC7 into my C:\FSUIPC7 installation directory (and registered). I've also added a copy of PFCcom64.dll at the same installation directory. When I start MSFS, I get the FSUIPC splash screen, suggesting that MSFS is properly recognizing FSUIPC. However, when I run FSUIPC (while MSFS is also running), and go to the Add-Ons subdirectory, I find a menu entry for Websocket, but not one for PFCcom64. (I went and looked there, because I was expecting to see prompts about configuring the correct COM port, which I did not see). When I go and look at the installation directory, I find not only pfccom64.dll, but also PFCcom64.ini and PFCcom64.log. When I open the FSUIPC7.log, I find the following: ********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.0.5 (17th February 2021) by John Dowson ********* Checking for FS path in 'C:\Users\George\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt' FS path found = C:\Users\George\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\ WebSocket server found: C:\FSUIPC7\\Utils\FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit reported as Build 19042, Release ID: 2009 (OS 10.0) Reading options from "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.ini" Checking the Registrations now ... User Name="George Winski" User Addr="george.winski@gmail.com" FSUIPC7 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 78 System time = 19/02/2021 15:12:54 78 FLT path = "C:\Users\George\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\" 93 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 125 Registered HotKey 'InvokeFSUIPCOptionsKey' (key=0x46, modifier=0x1) 125 FS path = "C:\Users\George\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\" 125 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan ----------------------- 125 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 125 Manufacturer= Saitek 125 Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.0) 125 GUIDs returned for product: VID_06A3&PID_0763: 125 GUID= {68053D10-616F-11EB-8001-444553540000} 125 Details: Btns=0, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R511,U0,V0,X127,Y127,Z0 125 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 140 Device acquired for use: 140 Joystick ID = 1 (Registry okay) 140 1=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 140 1.GUID={68053D10-616F-11EB-8001-444553540000} 140 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 140 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 156 Loaded PFCcom64.DLL okay! the PFCcom64.log looks as follows: ********* PFCcom64.DLL, Version 5.062 by Pete Dowson ********* It appears that PFCcom64.DLL loads, but I don't find the same indication at the add-ons tab off of the main menu. (note that besides the PFC hardware, I also have attached a Saitek rudder pedal (USB), which FSUIPC appears to recognize). I'm sure I'm missing something very basic, but can't for the life of me know what it would be. I've rebooting my system and reloaded MSFS, with the same results. Any guidance would be appreciated. George Winski
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