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Peter Muransky

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Everything posted by Peter Muransky

  1. Well, I try to programm in ini file assigment that: 1. If I press Button, it will toggle Flag coresponding to the button. 2. When flag is clear, button press set the FS Command, for example switch on hdg 3. When flah is set, button press will set different command, for example switch off hdg I do this: 35=PC,0,C1005,512 -{: Joy C (2) Button 0}- 36=CP(F-C,0)C,0,66106 37=CP(F+C,0)C,0,66107 P.S. to programm lua, well I am now far from it but reading me in. And next challenge will be A320neo MCP with SLOT_INDEX variables. Peter
  2. Hi John, thanks for your prompt answer. This is what I fugured out, so I know that My Joy "C" is Nr. 2. Is it possible to use Joy Nr. instead of Letter? (And FSUIPC will recognise it how it should) For example: I have joy C (Nr. 2) and want to assign flag to button 0, so I use formula 256*2+0=512 ?
  3. Dear friends, I have one question. I'm using FSUIPC with MSFS and with hidBravoButtons.lua . What I see is, that FSUIPC assign letters A,B,C to joy instead of numbers. So I'm stucked, when I want to use Flags for programming some toggle functions. i.e. with joy C, button 0 it is impossible to use flag 1005 with parameter 256*joy + button. Could you please help me here? Thanx Peter
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