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Posts posted by mikeyshu

  1. There is one downside, however.
    For the past hour I have been trying to read up on all the PDF manuals on how to use FSUIPC. And to be honest with you... I would like to kindly talk with you about the chance of rolling back my purchase and seeing if we can work out a refund.

    Why is that? Because my head is smoking from all the PDFs. I was not aware that the registered FSUIPC7 functions were for developers. I tried my best to understand the stuff in the PDFs but quite honestly - I understood no single word.
    I am as helpless and confused after reading them, as I was before. My head even really hurts from trying to make a sense in all the lua stuff and parementers and offsets and what not. I don't understand a single line.
    And I'm not really interested in investing hours and hours to learn to use FSUIPC just for a transponder toggle button emulation. 😄 I was under the impression that everything was done with a few clicks within the FSUIPC axes/button/etc. menus.
    Those PDFs are pretty much too high for me to understand. And because I used to work in aviation and lost my job due to Covid, I need to keep my money very tight. So, quite honestly, I think at this point with this complexity I wasn't expecting, I'd much rather spend the precious 30€ on something else and keep on using the unregistered FSUIPC, please?

  2. It's alright. Thank you for apologizing. Accepted. Let's start over and get this to work. 😉 Or rather I mean technically it is working now, I can open FSUIPC7 and with your suggestion to download the missing PDFs from this forum, I now have those, as well.

    1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

    but I cannot help if you do not provide me with the information I need.

    I hear you but you just don't seem to hear me when I repeatedly say that there is no installfsuipc7.log file. So how can I provide you with neccessary info if your installer never creates that info? I can't magically produce that log file. 😄


    1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

    ...and let me know what install type you have - steam vs MS Store vs Boxed?

    I have the steam version.


    1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

    Please re-run the installer, but de-select the auto-start component and see if that works. And then send me your installation log, or tell me what the installer did.

    HAH! That did the trick!!! Thank you! I did what you suggested and this time the installer went all the way through. I could register my copy and all the neccessary files were created in the installation folder, including the attached log file!


  3. By the way I don't appreciate your tone at all. I am starting to get a little angry at your demeanor, seemingly selling me for stupid while not even reading my posts. Perhaps you may want to give that a thought, considering things are pointing to your installer being the issue and not me.

    I will now read into the missing pdfs after downloading them from the download section you suggested. But quite frankly, if they turn out to be all to technical then I think I'd rather just save us both all this hassle here and kindly ask to block my registry key and issue me a refund anyway. The purchase page didn't make clear at all that I had to learn to code and write lua scripts and what not, in order to connect key strokes to MSFS functions. I'm not quite interested in that, if it turns out as more than just using menus.

  4. You keep on insisting to read those documents, as if I didn't by now. I ask: Do you even read my posts? Please take a careful look at my posts again, because basically every question you asked, was already explained by me.

    19 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    That's an FSUIPC7 log file which just tells me that you ran FSUIPC7 once (and was still running or had crashed when you pasted that log fragment).

    I know it's the FSUIPC7 log file and not the InstallFSUIPC7.log file you asked for. I wrote very clearly above that I DO NOT HAVE a InstallFSUIPC7.log file anywhere.

    24 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    In the zip file you downloaded, as well as the installer there were two documents, a README.txt and and Installation and Registration pdf. Please read (or at least take a look) at those documents.

    Yes believe it or not, I know. I noticed after you reminded me in your inital reply post a few days ago and I consequently read both the "readme" and the "installation & registration pdf". I don't know why you keep on insisting for me to read them again and again, because what they contain has nothing to do with my issue here. I did attempt to install the installation just like described in the installation pdf but I explained earlier, very clearly again, what went wrong with the installation itself.

    29 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    Also, the install log file will be in the folder with those documents, where you extracted and ran the installer. Please check that. The install log is also copied to your FSUIPC7 installation folder. If its not there, I can only think that it is a permissions issue. However, as it can put other files there, this is very strange.

    I downloaded the zip with the installer from your website. The zip contains only the following files:
    The readme and the pdf are there and, as said multiple times, I read them. But that is it. When I run the installer exe file to install FSUIPC7, the things described in my earlier post happen. The installation starts, I choose to install everything, keep the folder with C:\FSUIPC7 - as your pdf encourages - and click "Go". Then the fill bar fills up for a moment and the installer quits itself. No registry form  in the installer even.
    When I then go to the installation folder - C:\FSUIPC7 - it only contains these following things:

    43 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    Also, if you are installing in a windows protected folder, please try installing somewhere else. Or is 'C:\FSUIPC7\' your actual install location? If so, that is good and shouldn't cause issues.

    I'm not. I was not. I was installing under C:\FSUIPC7\ like your own pdf instructs to - and I explained that clearly multiple times. Please take a look at my posts.


    45 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    Also, when you run FSUIPC7, you do know that it sits in your system icon folder? If you run it and can't see anything, look there - or use the default hot-key (ALT + F) to show the FSUIPC main window. This is all explained in the documentation. If, for some reason the documentation hasn't been installed, download it from the download secrion of this forum (for the time being) and I'll check your installation log file once posted.

    I do know, yes of course. And I can see it. I never said I had problems with running FSUIPC7. Do you really ever even read any of my posts? I said in my very initial post that I played around with the FSUIPC menus thinking that's where I do all the magic stuff, such as setting a key stroke for the transponder, etc. So apparently I can use FSUIPC itself... The problem is the borked installer not installing all the neccessary files (e.g. the manuals this whole thing is about, the log file you asked for, etc.).

  5. This is the only logfile within the C:\FSUIPC7 installation folder after running the setup, called FSUIPC7.log:

    ********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.0.5 (17th February 2021) by John Dowson *********
    No registry entries found for MSFS - setting paths from APPDATA env variable
    Checking for FS path in 'C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt'
    FS path found = D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\Packages\
    Windows 10 Home 64 Bit reported as Build 19041, Release ID: 2004 (OS 10.0)
    Reading options from "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.ini"
    Checking the Registrations now ...
    User Name="Michael *****"
    User Addr="online@*****"
    FSUIPC7 Key is provided
    WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
           63 System time = 06/03/2021 18:08:14
           63 FLT path = "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\"
          109 -------------------------------------------------------------------
          141 Registered default HotKey 'InvokeFSUIPCOptionsKey' (key=0x46, modifier=0x1)
          172 FS path = "D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\Packages\"
          172 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
          172 -------------------------------------------------------------------
          234 LogOptions=00000000 00000001


  6. Sorry for the delayed answer, RL kept me busy.

    I admit, I should have been a bit more clear about the readme part. I phrased it badly. I had forgotten that I had read the readme and that initial pdf coming within the installation zip. I had forgotten about them both, because I read them and they were useless to me during installation. I will explain why.

    Because something must have gone wrong during installation as most parts of said readmes didn't work as described. back when I Installed FSUIPC I didn't bother abotu the issues much, as I managed to create a manual key file with my credentials and the software started. So I thought I'd be good, nonetheless.

    Now I start to realize that my posted issue of lacking of any manual might actually end up being related to the botched installation. So what happened, why botched installation? When I ran the installer as described in the initial pdf, I ticked all boxes to install the base file, the documentation, etc. Except the installer always ran for a second, installing nothing but the FSUIPC7.exe under C:\FSUIPC7. I never even received the registration details window to register my copy.

    So what has that to do with above posted issue? Well it also, apparently, failed to install any documentation. There is nothing to be found under Win/Documents or C:\FSUIPC7!

    So I suppose while I was wrong to claim that FSUIPC didn't come with any manual, explanations, etc. then again I wasn't really, because the installation seems borked and it ended up me really not getting any manual or the likes. 😄

  7. In a spontanious nightly "rage" 🤣 I purchased FSUIPC7 for MSFS at the beginning of this week. Mainly because I had read posts that said it was possible to map keys so that I could switch the transponder mode via yoke button. I thought "woah cool!" and bought a copy.

    Only then did I realize that none of the posts or anywhere else on the internet, did anybody actually properly explain from start to finish HOW that was done. Some posts spoke about some "parameters" or the likes to fill in somewhere and "lua scripts" or something, but that was that. So I kept on digging and to be frank, I became more and more frustrated and a bit upset, the further I dug.
    Given that even the shop site had little information and thus I only knew the tool from before, when I used the unregistered version, I had thought it would work simply by clicking its menus to set everything up. Or maybe it does? But I don't know, because....
    Neither did the FSUIPC7 download itself or the official FSUIPC website come with ANY kind of readme of help or manual about the actual use of the tool. Nor could I even find any such thing anywhere online at all.
    So now I am essentially stuck with a 30€ expensive tool, that worked just as fine before registering it, which doesn't seem to do much when clicking around its menus frantically 🤪 to figure out how things work, lacking of any guidance.

    Yes, I might also just be fundamentally lacking of proper google search skills. But either way, I am hoping for someone here to either point me to some sources that explain the advanced use of the tool step by step for "dummies" like me or explain to me directly how I can achieve certain button configs. 😉

    Thank you for your attention, may the cursing and screaming at me begin, I shall be prepared. Y'all stay healthy, wear y' mask and don't get bitten by the aerosoles. Byeee 😉

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