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About jay960

  • Birthday 06/09/1981

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  1. I have made a quick flight EGLL-LFPG with a32nx and FSUIPC7 and did not have any problem
  2. I do not know if you still try to find the solution but I could make it work with that code. You juste have to replace the "A" with the letter of your joystick and the "3, 2, 7 and 6" with the right button number (3=ENG2, 2=ENG1, 7=IGNI/START, 6=CRANK for me) cheers 1=PA,3,C67064,0 -{ENGINE_MASTER_2_TOGGLE}- 2=PA,3,C66301,0 -{TOGGLE_STARTER2}- 3=PA,3,C66495,0 -{TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG2}- 4=UA,3,C67064,0 -{ENGINE_MASTER_2_TOGGLE}- 5=UA,3,C66301,0 -{TOGGLE_STARTER2}- 6=UA,3,C66495,0 -{TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG2}- 7=PA,2,C67063,0 -{ENGINE_MASTER_1_TOGGLE}- 8=PA,2,C66300,0 -{TOGGLE_STARTER1}- 9=PA,2,C66494,0 -{TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1}- 10=UA,2,C67063,0 -{ENGINE_MASTER_1_TOGGLE}- 11=UA,2,C66300,0 -{TOGGLE_STARTER1}- 12=UA,2,C66494,0 -{TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1}- 13=PA,7,C67275,0 -{ENGINE_MODE_IGN_SET}- 14=UA,7,C67274,0 -{ENGINE_MODE_NORM_SET}- 15=PA,6,C67273,0 -{ENGINE_MODE_CRANK_SET}- 16=UA,6,C67274,0 -{ENGINE_MODE_NORM_SET}-
  3. @Pete Dowson Thanks, yes I am reading that carefully at the moment. I made a first test to start the A32nx FBW engines with my Airbus Throttle Quadrant switches and I am happy because it work nicely !! No I will look into more complexe programming 😁
  4. Thank you very much. I understand better now.
  5. Hello, First thank you for this amazing software FSUIPC7. It is very useful and perfectly build. I have always used it the simple way but now I want to dig more into programming some more complex stuff. I have read the manual carefully and have some things that I do not understand well so thanks in advance for the help. My first question is about programming button. In the manual, the format specify is : For keypresses: <Entry number> = <Action><Joy#>,<Btn#>,K<key>,<shifts> now in my INI file I have for example : 1=PB,36,K123,8 -{Key press: F12}- 1=PB,32,K122,8 -{Key press: F11}- So PB = the action 36 = <Joy#> K123 = <Btn#> 8 = ? {things in bracket} = key press But these two are on the same Joystick, so they should have same <Joy#> somewhere. Maybe is it the number 8 ? Can anybody explain the format correctly, I certainly have missed something 😑 For the Action in the manual the letter P is explain simply for press or control. now in my example above it is writtent PB. What is the B for ? And in the manual it says if I want to repeat the key press the letter should be R. So if I want to change the above action to repeat should I write only R instead of PB ? Thank you again in advance for taking the time to help. Cheers
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