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Everything posted by CougarFool

  1. Yes, thanks Paul.
  2. Thanks Paul. I've never seen "MSFS2024 (VX.X)" so that could well be the issue: the release version of my program is using an older version. I have updated it in my development version so I'll just have to put up with it until I can roll out the new version! Thanks again.
  3. Hi Paul, Certainly happening for MSFS2020 and possibly 2024. Not all the time though! Edit: Confirmed happening with 2024 as well. Again, not all the time though. Further edit: It also reported '14'.
  4. Hi, Recently I've noticed that FSVersion is returning the string 'Any' instead of MSFS etc. This is the code I use to extract it: Dim sSimVersion As String = String.Empty If bConnectedToFS Then Dim fsVer As FsVersion = FSUIPCConnection.FlightSimVersionConnected sSimVersion = fsVer.ToString End If And the extract from a user's flight log: Flight Log: [12:22] - C208B Passengers [12:22] - FS Type: Any [12:22] - FSUIPC Version: 7.501 Does any one know why it now reports 'Any'? Thanks.
  5. Thank you both for the replies. Most helpful. Nigel.
  6. Hi, I'm trying to read the total fuel in an aircraft. It uses the new MSFS [FUEL_SYSTEM] and has eleven tanks (Tank.1 to Tank.11). Is there a way using the FSUIPCClient to read these please? Thanks, Nigel.
  7. Thanks for the quick response Paul. That has fixed the issue! The annoying thing is that I had to do that in another utility I wrote and forgot all about it! Nigel.
  8. Hi everyone, I have a problem when using offset 3F00 to save the flight. My little application has a button that, when clicked, should save the flight. It works the first time and saves the flight correctly. Each subsequent click does not save the flight. I have to restart my application to get it to save again. The variables are: Private Const FltName As String = "NewAutoSave" 'save flight group Dim oSaveName As Offset(Of String) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of String)("saveflt", &H3F04, 252) Dim oSaveCmd As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)("saveflt", &H3F00) And the Click event is: Try If FSUIPCConnection.IsOpen Then oSaveName.Value = FltName oSaveCmd.Value = 1 'write FSUIPCConnection.Process("saveflt") lblSaved.Text = $"Saved at:{Now.ToShortTimeString}" 'update Form label End If Catch fsex As FSUIPCException MsgBox(fsex.Message) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try Each Click does update the 'Saved at:' label so it is executing the code above it without throwing an Exception. I have tried running the application as Administrator and there is no difference. I have tried executing the code on a BackGroundWorker but there is no differerence. I'm hoping that there is a obvious mistake I've made in my code but I can't see it! Any help would be appreciated from fellow developers! Nigel.
  9. I can see the two buttons but the link for the VB one points to:
  10. Sorry Paul, the link downloads the existing VB example. I can't see anything about MSFS in there?
  11. Thank you very much Paul. Much appreciated. (Donation made.)
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