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Everything posted by yomar

  1. Thanks so much for the reply, Jon. Im really embarassed. You were right, I just had to assign joystick actions to the knob turns. In the code that i did, the only actions i did was to print the direction of the turn (cw or ccw) and the present value. Thats why it worked on the arduino serial monitor but did nothing anywhere else. So i added joystick.button commands to each turn. Everything is good now. Thanks again.
  2. I forgot to add my code. I hope someone could point me to the right direction. I know I'm missing something here. 😄 SBDFlightPanel.ino
  3. Hello. Just bought fsuipc7. I'm using it to assign actions for my DIY button box/flight panel. My flight panel has momentary buttons, switches and 5 rotary encoders with buttons. I used teensy 3.2. The switches and buttons work, as I've tested them both using the joy.cpl app on Windows as well as in MSFS itself using FSUIPC to assign the actions. As for the rotary encoders, they also work when I tested them using the serial monitor on Arduino IDE. The buttons also work. However, I can't seem to get the rotary encoders to function inside MSFS2020 itself. Even on FSUIPC7, the software is unable to detect neither clockwise nor anti-clockwise movements from any of the rotary encoders. Only the buttons on the encoders are detected. I wanted to use them to adjust the heading bug, altitude select, vertical speed etc. Is there anything I am missing? I'm not good with programming/coding. I just copied the sketch online, which actually worked. Any help would be great and apologies if this is such a noob question or if already asked.
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